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Welcome to my Strategy SectionHere are some strategies that I have run across when playing the game. If you are any side just build lots of War Factories. It will make you produce tanks hella fast. You can assemble a army way fast. Another thing is that if you are the Russians, build Grenade dudes. If you have tanks with them they won't get run over. I hate when the computer runs over you dudes. Grenade dudes rule. They are the ultimate Infantry, next to the flame thrower guys. Also if you build multiple construction yards you will build building hella fast. And when you have Helicopters or Yaks or Migs always attack in groupd. A. The enemy defenses may only take out 1 of the aircraft. And B. stuff can be blown up easier and faster. You won't have to land and reload. My favorite unit in the game is the Mammoth tank. It takes them awhile to get there but when they do they blow the crap out of anything and they have a cool missle thing on them, too. My favorite strategy is to build about 5 War Factories and then build Mammoth Tanks until I have like 20 of them. I send over Migs to destroy most of the enemies forces (especially their Construction Yard). Then after that I wipe out their Barracks and War Factory. And there you have it. You whoop them with your migs then you let them have it with the tanks. It works well on most missions and especially well on Westwood Chat. I can whoop the comp. every time I do this. Some other strategies are to chronoshift and then whoop the crap out of them hella fast with a fat tank or something. Also if you plan a Helicopter attack, and a nuke just right you can really beat the crap out of them. Just a few seconds after that send over your ground army and let them have it. Thank you for taking the time to read this, Hopefully I will post some more strategies in the future. |