Canadian, Eh?

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The "Canadian, Eh?" Page


Are you a Canadian? Are you proud of being a Canadian? Well, we are. When we surf the Web, we want to know if a site was created by a Canadian or not. This is the basis of our own little Campaign. You may have heard of the Blue Ribbon campaign for Free Speech Online. Well, this is a page with similar intentions. We're proud of being Canadian, and we want people to know about it. We also want to know about other Canadians online, so we decided to start our own button campaign. If you're Canadian, and you have a web page, take a button!

Canadian, Eh?
What's New?

Well, I've decided to do another format change. What do you think? Mail us with any suggestions you might have. Look for a major update to this page coming soon!

Canadian, Eh?
Sections of This Site

Campaign Information is a starting page. This page will give you all the info you need to Canadianize your page.

The Buttons Page contains all of the Canadian buttons, an explanation for them, and instructions on how to use them.

The E-mail sections contains our addresses. Enough said.

The Links Page contains links to notable Canadian sites and sites with "Canadian, Eh?" buttons. Go here to find other pro-Canadian sites.

We're members of many Webrings, so we decided to put them all on one page.

The Awards Page contains our meager selection of awards.

Canadian, Eh?
How to Contact Us

We are all Canadians, and live in Saskatchewan. Our E-mail addresses are as follows:

If you are an artist, would you consider helping us with some graphics? We're always looking for creative volunteers to help. Our artistic skills aren't that great.

Canadian, Eh?

I'm Proud to be Canadian!
Canadian, Eh?

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Proudly Canadian
Proud to be Canadian
This page done by Robert Gulewich, updated on June 14, 1998.