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This section will cover miscellaneous details and some of the goodies pirch has to offer a chatter: autoexe commands, some fixes to bugs in pirch, and just your general basic knowledge type things...


to set the desk option click on the option on the top task bar -- open the options and click on the desk options then just set the pirch desktop the way you want it; below is the way i have set mine

to set a pic as a background just put a check in tiled and then paste the pic you want.

you can set the top task bar by putting your arrow on any of the icons and right click, that will bring up a menu and you can set the style or you can customize your top tool bar by clicking on customize

By leaving the toolbarbuilder window open and right clicking on the top tool bar brings up a menu window to remove any of the icons and file from the tool bar.

the next thing you can do to make life easier is to set the autoexe command; again open the options and scroll down and click on the autoexe command, put in the box your favorite rooms and hit save

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