It is not the intention of this web site to offend any individual
or group and in keeping with Geocities policies all material on
this site has been reviewed to keep offensive material to a minimum.
However, due to the nature of humour normally being at someone's
expense, it may be possible that someone somewhere will be upset. If
you feel that this may be *you*, please do not access these pages
on this site.
Welcome to the hUMouR Line
This site last Updated - 20th February 98
How about signing the gUEsT bOOk?
The humourline's latest Joke List
A selection of jokes, sent in by *you* the general
public or trawled off the internet and Usenet.
Top Ten Lists
Everyone's doing them, so why shouldn't we! Here we present our unique, UK version
"Top Ten Lists". Catch the current crop in this area...
If your company diversified into toaster manufacturing, what would the
finished product resemble? Well, here's your chance to
find out as our team of ever dependable contributors give you their list of
"If so and so made toasters..."
Using the gUEsT bOOk facility above is a good way to contact us.
If you want to send in any jokes, suggestions for our top 10 lists or
anything you might want to see happen in the cartoon, then convert your text
into stone tablets, wrap them up in legal tender (ten pound notes preferred: US
equivalent 100$: Italian equivalent 20,000,000,000,000,000 lira)
and then leave them behind the third dustbin at the Oxford Services just off
the M40.
Alternatively, just e-mail the