(ja czie kocham, moja kochana...)
here, draco, this is for you. enjoy.
paolo marcucci's shadowrun archive
blackjack's shadowrun page
draco wrote to say that the first two on here deserved to be at
the top. therefore i suggest
you check them out first, since he knows his shadowrun shit
pretty well...if you have any major questions, by the way you
can write him (not that
i asked permission or anything...hehehe)
grifter's shadow
shadowland create a user account, interact with other
runners, and maintain your own web of pages on the shadowland system
shadowrun official page from the fasa
shadowrun mush based on the popular rpg by fasa.
open to online character creation. strong rp emphasis, judged combat, bullet-proof
hard and softcode.
shadowrun online
shadowrun, cas style shadowrun
in texas
the shady place exciting group of shadowrunners in the
tampa/brandon, florida. also presenting a candidate for the 2057 election.
shadowrun 2070
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