I would like to share some of my sculpting tips with you.
Here is a list of my favorite tools to sculpt with:
The best sculpting tool for small work is a smooth, round toothpick, (smooth being the operative word here). If the toothpick feels rough, sand it smooth with an emery board.
The second best sculpting tool is an orange wood stick. Yes, the kind you use for your fingernails (unless you're a guy; then it's the kind with which you dig dirt out from under your nails)! Just kidding! ;D
Those dentist tools you always see at flea markets are great for carving in detail before you bake the clay. Never been to a flea market?
You don't know what you're missing!
An XACTO knife with a new blade is essential for making tiny cuts into the clay. I also use the tip to place tiny detail on the sculpture.