The Society for the Replacement of Hyperspace Mallets by Flame-Throwing Umbrellas

Improve Your Fanfics!

Yeah, yeah... we've already seen mallets appearing out of nowhere. We've already seen various male characters getting walloped. Let's see something different for a change!

Just take a look at how these passages, quoted almost directly from various world-famous anime fanfics, are 'improved' by the mere replacement of that tired ol' mallet by a piece of flamethrowing raingear!

[None right now. For some reason, all the world-famous anific authors we approached refused to let us "butcher" their "precious works" -- but I'm sure with enough persistence we'll eventually be able to make them see the error of their ways.]

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All fanfics quoted here are © their respective authors and shouldn't be used without their permission. Yes, I DID get permission before posting the quotes here. Really I did. (Since there ain't any, it wasn't all that hard ^_^)