
This is my miscellaneous page.

This includes everything that can't fit anywhere else, but doesn't need a page of it's own.


Short Stories

A Really Short Little Story that Doesn't Make any Sense - pretty much self-explanatory. It's structured like a fable, but other than that it's just plain silly.

Help Wanted - A weird, dark-humored furry story based the concept "If furries were real, what would they eat?" This story was written before I knew that that concept had already become a huge cliche in furry stories.

Why Me God? - The downfall of a jerk. My favorite of all of my stories.

The Last Dreamer - My only really serious story so far, and one of my best. Strongly inspired by "the Adventures of Baron Munchausen."

Burp - An extremely silly story written for class, based loosely on one of the students. I got a B : )


Humor Lists

(I wrote most of these in 8th and 9th grade, so they are pretty immature even for me)

10 Fun things for a passenger to do on a long car trip

Biology Terms - I once decided to make joke definitions out of my entire 9th grade Biology textbook's glossary. I never got farther than C, but what I have is still kinda funny.

How to Be Irritating - My longest and favorite list. Some of the jokes are just stupid (hey, I was in 8th grade), but some are (IMHO) rather funny. When I finally typed this up I only included the ones that I actually think are funny, but that's still no guarantee ; )


Other Junk

Writings on the Wall - a skit I wrote based on 2 things written on the bathroom wall at my school.


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