January 1, 2001

While my loyal readers (all three of you) will always be my true love, I am growing fond of those poor souls who stumble into the Rain Barrel looking for something else entirely.

Using the Geocities Statistics area, I have learned what bait lured these folks into my lair. But really, these summary reports raise more questions than answers:

Summary Report: 2000sept12.htm

Total page views to date 62
Highest monthly page views  22 in September 2000
Most popular browser visitors use 84.37% use Netscape 4.6
Most common screen resolution visitors have 90.12% have 800x600 
Top search engine used to access this page 100.00% use www.google.com
Top search word used to find this page 
100.00% typed "quebec language" 

What they got: a link to a Saturday Night article that compares compares the dubbing of The Simpsons as it is done in France with as it is done in Quebec.

("quebec language? Um, isn't that French?)

Summary Report 1999apr07.htm
Total page views to date 51
Highest monthly page views 20 in December 2000
Most popular browser visitors use 31.64% use MSIE 5.0
Most common screen resolution visitors have 62.71% have 800x600 
Top search engine used to access this page 100.00% use www.google.com 
Top search word used to find this page 
49.58% typed "tim hortons franchise canada" 

What they got: my proposal for a Church of Tim Hortons

Summary Report: 1999apr14.htm

Total page views to date 44
Highest monthly page views 12 in September 2000
Most popular browser visitors use 76.06% use Netscape 4.6 
Most common screen resolution visitors have 92.60% have 800x600 
Top search engine used to access this page 100.00% use www.google.com 
Top search word used to find this page 
56.18% typed "toronto maple leaf regalia"
What they got: an explanation why you don't see a portrait of Tim Horton in his eponymous donut shops.

Summary Report 1999aug17.htm

Total page views to date 37
Highest monthly page views 9 in December 2000 
Most popular browser visitors use 47.75% use MSIE 5.5 
Most common screen resolution visitors have 54.31% have 800x600 
Top search engine used to access this page 100.00% use www.altavista.com 
 Top search word used to find this page 
28.70% typed "36" 
What they got: a page of magazines that are all too real.

(what blows my fragile little mind is 1) who searches for the number 36 and why and 2) why does Alta Vista gives them this page which doesn't even contain "36")

Summary Report 1999dec06.htm
Total page views to date 32 
Highest monthly page views 9 in July 2000 
Most popular browser visitors use 79.99% use MSIE 5.5 
Most common screen resolution visitors have 80.16% have 1024x768 
Top search engine used to access this page 74.74% use www.google.com 
   Top search word used to find this page
74.74% typed "whipped cream album cover" 
What they got: a bit on a cover of the song, Whipped Cream

Summary Report 2000mar06.htm

Total page views to date 37
Highest monthly page views 15 in October 2000 
Most popular browser visitors use 75.75% use MSIE 5.0 
Most common screen resolution visitors have 75.73% have 1024x768 
Top search engine used to access this page 100.00% use www.google.com 
Top search word used to find this page 
66.76% typed "beyond generation x" 

What they got: my Generation X Book collection
