Frequently Asked Questions
I just uploaded my first page onto my geocities web server but when i tried viewing it, it still comes up with the page saying that I have not moved in.

I placed an image on my page but it came up with a 'torn' image. Where did my intended image go?
I edited my page by placing in a new background, how is it that it still shows my old one?

 I just uploaded my first page onto my geocities web server but when i tried viewing it, it still comes up with the page saying that I have not moved in.

    There are 2 probable causes for this. The first one being that you didn't name your first page to ' index.html '. Please take note that URLs are case sensitive so naming it to ' Index.html ' or ' INDEX.HTML ' might result in your page page still not being shown.Renaming to index.html should result in your page being shown.

    If it still hasn't and you are very confident that you did everything right than the other probably cause would be that your browser is still running on it's cache memory. This being an older version of files that were downloaded earlier when you first visited the page. Hitting Reload of Refresh will update the files and you should now be able to see your first page.

I placed an image on my page but it came up with a 'torn' image. Where did my intended image go?

    When this happens, it means that you either did not type in the name of you image file properly or you referenced it to a wrong URL. Remember that files names are also case sensitive therefore typing it's name any differently from it's original name would result in a broken image.

    If you checked it over and is very confident that you typed in the exact name than try uploading the image file again. This could be due to a fault that could have occured while uploading your file.

    If your image was referenced from a remote source and it was looking fine before but all of a sudden showed up as a broken image than it just simply means that the owners of the web site which you took it from originally has either changed the name of the image or took it out completely resulting in your code not being able to find such a file.

I edited my page by placing in a new background, how is it that it still shows my old one?

    Once again this would be the browsers fault as it is running on it's cache memory. Hit the Reload or Refresh button to update the files in your cache memory.

    Another fault you should look out for is whether your BODY tag showed the right file name in which you intended. Check to see if your file name is typed in correctly. The BODY tag should look like this:


Look under the BACKGROUND parameter to see if the file name is exactly like the one you uploaded.

    If all else fails and it still wouldn't show the background than try uploading the file once again as a fault might have occured while uploading it.