Roots '97 @ Camp Luther
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[Aug. 1 - 3, 1997]

What an AWESOME weekend! From tipped canoes and riding waves to the super-unknown mystery of "Death Wings!!" and the Boy Powers (???), this was the hottest summer camp that I can remember. The injuries were minor, the food was GREAT, the mosquitoes were plenty (Elleena and her trusty handbook got at least 32 of them) and there was a lot of bonding… the kind of weekend you won’t forget. About 60 hours and 6 games of RISK later, everyone’s learned more about themselves, about others (like their respective roomies) and about God.

"But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions – it is by grace you have been saved."
Ephesians 2:4-5

Favourite quotes:
Anson: "I’m pathetic!!!!!"
JoAnn: "My ball! The gravel! The roof! Nooo!"
Bryan: "What’s the verb?" (in an unconscious spaz at his brother)
Joyce (the biggest one) : "Because her wrinkles killed it."
Eva: "I miss tv."
Grace (the middle one): "Am I a tree?"
Sam, Deniel and Grace (the little one): "Falling out of a canoe is exciting and fun."
Keian, Duncan, Johnny, Anson, Bryan, and Nathan *striking a pose*: "Death Wings!!"

Secret Identities:
Vince: "The Man" (just do it!)
Sam: "Masoov of the Universe" and "Death Wings"
Johnny: "Nature Boy"
Bryan: "Thought Boy"
Duncan: "Cinnamon Boy"
Keian: "Slobber Boy"
Anson: "Captain Boy!" (when all the Boy Powers combine!)

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