Just a little intro
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Ah... heaven. Hey cool!  Heaven again! Updated on March 5/2001
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Work... Work... Work...
Welcome to my humble little fart of a homepage.

See those 2 pics of a tropical paradise? I took that photo! I was there!! THAT'S where I went for vacation. Cool little islands off Malaysia.
Ahhhhhhh... sun + beach = heaven. See below for more info.

Can you guys hear the song that's playing? It's called "Gangster Tripping", I can't even remember by who. Pretty fun. Like one of my "there's a party in my head and everyone's invited" type things. If you ever catch me dancing by myself with no audible music around... just turn around and mind your own damn business! (heehee) Objective of this pile of words, colour, sound and stuff... to amuse myself, my friends, and perhaps for some TOTAL STRANGERS to maybe get to know me better. Best place for y'all to start would be my brain. It's not REALLY my brain, just some stuff that has spilled out of it lately (oooor not-so lately). Whatever. Just GO. Then check out all the REST of my pages too. And then please sign the Guestbook.
"Thank you, come again."

Things I luv: Sticker pic, Aug-99, Volleyball!, Jesus, my friends, family, summertime & cookies. :)

Check out this, uhhh… nice shade of GREY (blue is better)! It's coming soon to a desktop near you...
the BYF website!

Mar-01 -- Whoops, I guess I forgot to update this page for a while, hey? I've been killing time online at AsianAvenue.com (you can find me there under the same nickname), and recently, on ClubVibes.com (can you guess the nick?). No, I don't go clubbing much but every once in a while it's a cool scene to catch. Especially since I'm single... again. (?) No, really. For sure this time! (dammit.) [Yes, I know I need to change the pics on this page. I'm BUSY, ok?] Maybe I should mention I had to make a webpage for school as well. Here it is. Anyway, I've been spending WAY too much money lately. Right after I paid tuition, my insurance, and Christmas present bills at the same time, my chequing account has never been the same. Go ahead, rob me. I'm broke, you idiot.

I've come to the conclusion that it's never too early for summer and that everyone needs to rant sometimes. Thus is born, the ramblings of personal webpages. Oh sure, it like creative writing in a raw and fresh form, but people have this instinctive way of rambling... Perhaps it is more honestly described as being selfish and wanting to talk about ourselves. Oh great, am I just shooting myself in the foot, or what?

Aug-00 -- I can't believe summer is almost over. Time flies when you're working full-time! I still love my job and will continue working p/t when I'm back to school in Sept. Teaching Thai-Box during my 4-hr break? That'd be AWESOME!! :) I would never have thought myself to be anything like an aerobics instructor (me? I'm hardly a fitness fanatic...) but it's SO much fun. Leading and motivating people has always been a cool thing for me to do.

May-00 -- I'm on a 4-month co-op term at a great company. It's lots of fun working with awesome people and I'm faring well, I think. Initial glimpses into the fitness industry are thus far untainted and I've learned much about the business end of things as well as how to motivate and inspire people - definitely life-skills.
There's the journey called "growing up" to travel and I think I've gone a little farther.

Jan-00 -- Lights are on, computer's working, hot water, tv... no bugs here!! No major celebrating for this "good" girl.
Resolutions? NO MORE SWEARING. You have free reign to smack me upside the head of you hear me utter "H-E-double-hockey-sticks" or "F-you-know-what"
or even the little one that rhymes with GAS.

Nov-99 -- Just a little midterm burnout going on... (okay, A LOT). Five down, two to go! I'm shootin' high this semester -- I just hope it's not the higher you shoot, the harder you fall... =P All in all, I still know I'm lucky (and loved) and we all "gotta pray just to make it today..."
Whenever I see an old lady slip and fall on a wet sidewalk, my first instinct is to laugh. But then I think, what if I was an ant, and she fell on me.
Then it wouldn't seem quite so funny.

July-99 -- MALAYSIA WAS GREAT!! Of course, coming back to the most beautiful city in Canada is good too but it's so COLD here in comparison. At least I brought the sunshine back with me! :) To my dear sisters back in the hot-land:
"I LOVE YOU GUYS! The popcorn is coming, I promise."

June-99 -- School? What is "school"? I'M ON VACATION, BABY!! Yup, yup, I am hence forth FRREEEEE to do as I pleeeease! :) I was pretty hyped before but I've mellowed out and developed (but have yet to perfect) a laid-back attitude to most things. I already went river-rafting and a bit of camping. Hope to do more clubbing, camping and road-tripping before I gotta hit the books again.

the hunger site
Just a simple click to donate food to the UN World Food Program.

I read something cool the other day. Maybe if you don't understand why Christian's believe what they do,
or if you're already a Christian, click here. It's not very long to read.

Shouts to all my brothers and sisters in Christ, at New Life and everywhere else (what a small world it always is!)... the crew ... the crazies up in rez at SFU... the old skool gang from DT '98... and even older skool from Selkirk... special shouts to the old V-ball team (cuz i luv those guys)... the WHOLE Hakka family (Voos, Lius, Shims, Sheus, Los and Chees!)... my pudgie one... the great guzzler ... Sam, my little (yet slightly taller and deep-voiced) brother... and everyone else who's ever made me laugh. Y'all rule. :)

Did I mention that Hakka people rule? (If you haven't noticed, I AM of Hakka descent) We gotta stick together and speak out! Of course, I'm not dissin' anyone cuz we’re all created equal by God, and none more equal than another!

Where is my toque?!?!

Ever try swing-dancing? Tis SO FUN! I've only gone once but I know I'll go again! (Wanna be my partner?)

**** The coolest band in the world ****

(Yes, my first pathetic attempt at graphics -- go ahead, point and laugh)

My man and his baby.  =P  (May '98) Like, WHAT THE CRAAAP!?

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Please visit Gotta luv Pochacco! again soon!

Before you criticize someone, make sure you've walked a mile in their shoes. That way, you're a mile away AND you have their shoes!

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I AM Feel free to e-mail me with feedback or requests. Canada Rocks
Only two things are infinite, the universe and stupidity...and I'm not sure about the former. (Albert Einstein)
© 1997-2000 Jello-Girl's Stuff Unlimited

My URL: http://welcome.to/JELLO

I got it for free at http://come.to

DISCLAIMER: All graphic, photos, etc. are used without permission of their creators (who legally hold their respective copyrights). Where known, photos include credit information or website where they were obtained. The information presented here is simply collected from publicly aired and published sources. This site is in no way trying to infringe on the respective copyrights or businesses of these entities.

"But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you. Save me from all my transgressions; do not make me the scorn of fools. I was silent; I would not open my mouth, for you are the one who has done this. Remove your scourge from me; I am overcome by the blow of your hand. You rebuke and discipline men for their sin; you consume their wealth like a moth -- each man is but a breath." Psalms 39:7-11