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Entertaining Diversions:

Well, I want to call them that. Whether or not you find them entertaining or otherwise is not my problem really, is it?

  1. Some animations

  2. Games And Hobbies for Babylon 5   A few ideas on how to occupy your time if you ever happen to be stuck on a fictional space station several centuries into the future...

  3. Learn about a new language, discovered in the heart of Oxford

  4. Consider Tony Blair...

  5. A "Doctor Who" purity test

  6. PLAY THE OXFORD ADVENTURE GAME!Do you remember the "Choose Your Own Adventure" genre that was so popular among children a few years ago? Here's your chance to play a computerised version.

  7. You know you've been watching "Doctor Who" too much when...

    There have been lists like this for "Babylon 5", "Star Wars", and all the other important sci-fi television series. Here, as you might have guessed, is the "Doctor Who" version.

  8. The Parrot of Hades An essay on the gods of "Doctor Who"

  9. An entirely fictional Oxford College.

  10. Read a late night ramble on laziness.

  11. See how my main page looks dialectised into RedNeck American. Thanks go to the creator of theDialectizer for this little feat.

  12. Fill in a very brief questionnaire.

  13. If your browser is image capable, destroy your brain here. This is unsuitable for anyone suffering from epilepsy or similar problems.

  14. Some comic illustrations and photographs.
    It's amazing how photograph editing programs can consume your life... Here are one or four examples.

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