Hear Frank say itFrank's Bio

Hear Kenton say itKenton's Bio

Name: Kenton
Birthday: 3/8/82
Plays what?: drums
I grew up in Wichita with mom and dad (for a while). We always went to church, but we weren't Christians in the truest sence of the word. My mom maried my step-dad and he introduced us to Christ. We started going to a good church, and all of my family started following Christ, except not me. One summer, my parents made my go to the teen summer Bible School even though I didn't want to. I talked my parents into letting me on to the mission trip instead. That's where I received salvation. I was at a low point in life, and Frank came over and said, "are you going to be a wus and stay here, or a real man and go up there and do this?" I had to ask him what he said at the last part because I immedeatly went forward. And, let me tell you i high tailed it up there.

Hear Aaron say itAaron's Bio

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