the feet were stuck between the petticoat & tom dick & harry rode by & they all screamed ...her lips was so small & she had trenchmouth & when i saw what i had done, i guard my face/ the time is handled by some crazy cheerleader snob & sticking her tongue out, dropping a purple tostle cap, she mingles with a bus, caresses a bloody crucifix & is praying for her purse to be stolen up gunpowder alley! her name, Delia, she envies the block of chain & kingdom where the khaki thermometer kid, obviously a front man & getting a commission growling "she'll drown you! split your eyes! put your mind where your mouth is! see it explode! just 65 & she don't mind dying!" is bending over for scraps of food, fighting an epileptic fit & trying to keep dry in a typical Cincinnati weather ...Claudette, the sandman's pupil, wounded in her fifth year in the business & she's only 15 & go ahead ask her what she thinks of married men & governors & shriner conventions go ahead ask her & Delia, who's called Debra when she walks around in her nurse uniform, she casts off pure light in the cellar & has principles/ ask her for a paper favor & she gives you a geranium poem ...chicago? the hogbutcher! meatpacker! whatever! who cares? it's also like Cleveland! like Cincinnati! i gave my love a cherry. sure you did. did she tell you how it tasted? what? you also gave her a chicken? fool! no wonder you want to start a revolution
look. i don't care what your daddy says. j. edgar hoover is just not that good a guy. like he must have information on every person inside the white house that if the public knew about, could destroy those people/ if any of the knowledge that he's got ever got out, are you kidding, the whole country would probably quit their jobs & revolt. he aint never gonna lose his job. he will resign with honor. you just wait & see ... cant you figure out all this commie business for yourself? you know, like how long can car thieves terrify the nation? gotta go. there's a fire engine chasing me. see you when i get my degree. i'm going crazy without you. cant see enough movies your crippled lover, benjamin turtle