Okay, so we didn't win and Grammies, Oscars, or Emmys, but if we
had, the thanks list would look kinda like this
George's Mom
Heather Lena Marcy
Hoaky Hickle
Bill Davis
Maggie Louie
David Simmons
Norman Nail
Cary Hudson
Bob Brown
Cissy Schmidt
Rain Jaudon
Tony Lymon
Harold and Cheryl Marcho
David Alan Hultz
Robert Helton
Garrison Starr
Doug Gray
Del Rendon
Chapman Welsh
Steve Cummings
George McConnell
Todd Snider
Will Kimbrough
John Thomas Griffith
Fred Leblanc
Billy Gaudin
Andy Childress
Uncle Sideshow
Ja Nance
Ric Nance
Bobby Shumaker
Shane Sullivan
Gina Gates
Steve Yackira
Deanna Jennings
Tina Ferguson
Jim Thompson
Emily Everette
Mr. Big 'M (Tiny, Jaybird & Earl)
Dave and the gandg at the Tavern
Kudzu Kings
Angie Marquez
Jennifer Knight and Amanda Garriga
Jason Jones
Jennifer Jones
The Moonshiners
Chuck Schmift