Return to HELL!!

If you're looking for a way out of this madness....THERE ISN'T ONE!!!! But these links might help.

Mr. Rogers speaks about Barney.

Find out about Texas Chat Line, and Enki's friends.

The World of Askora

Enki's Theory of Relativity is open for men, and MEN ONLY! If you are a male you may enter HERE!

Enki's Lifelong Disease.

Read about Enki's Favorite Chore!

If you're REALLY bored, you can find out about the Real Life Enki here.

So you made it this far. Enki supposes you want to go somewhere else too?

WELL, WHAT DID YOU EXPECT???? Enki TOLD you it was a wall of skulls, and that's EXACTLY what you got! Don't go crying to anyone over it!