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UNDER CONSTRUCTION 2006: Currently Being Updated

NEWEST ADDITION: I'm in love... well we all have known that for a while, but it hasn't been posted on here. Love is a scary and wonderful thing. It makes you do crazy things. The craziest thing I've ever done? Well there's too much to try to rate now, and, as usual when put on the spot, my mind is drawing a blank. Anyway, a lot has changed and I want to try to update this stuff, but the best way to get my most up-to-date and in-depth info is to check out or (though My Space has really just been updated last month, and I don't check it except for once every 6 months or so). Anyway... Brandon Lane and Brandi LeAnne, could anything be cuter? I don't think so! I also wanna "shout out" to my "homegirls" Connie Marie, Christi Rene, Megan Ann, Melissa, Aimee, Jaclyn, uh oh, it's a never ending list... hey girls! And I promise to try and update with cute pics and less crap (ie, take away some of the crappy pics). Have a wonderful day, and if you're just re-checking the site, there's nothing new past these first 3 pics...

Brandon and I on Canyon Lake early 2005.

Brandon and I on the Creek behind his house... hot times down there, in more ways than one!

Brandon and I hunting on McKinney's land near Belton in August 2005. I saved his life this day, really, he was standing on top of a rattle snake talking to me. I was freaking out inside, but calmly said, "Why are you standing on a rattle snake?" He looked at me like I was kidding, then looked down, and BAM, he moved faster than I've ever seen my boy move! He shot the darn thing several times and we came back later, and that poor thing was still alive. Anyway, short story even longer, he now has the 12 pt rattle on his cork board at the house. Oh the interesting stories of life and how quick it could've came to a halt that strange day. Any how... this is the last of the new stuff.

Hey person! My name is Brandi and this is my first webpage to ever make! I had to learn how to do this stuff all by myself. So don't expect anything spectacular. Hopefully it will get better as time goes on.

Kristen and I at Mike's, Thursday, March 31st, 2005, getting drunk before heading to 6th street! KJ looks a bit drunk already - perhaps we should've cut her off right then and there =)

Melissa and I at a bar on St. Patrick's Day 2005
Check out our cool Miller Light wristbands the owner gave us - We Rock!

Above: Superbowl 2005 Party at Brandon's apt.
Brandon and I havin a good time, as always. We had been drinking throughout the game - Damn Patriots won AGAIN; where's the excitement in that?
By the way, Brandon is my adorable boyfriend - sorry boys, I'm not single anymore!
Below: Pics of my closest friends over the past year (Matt, a bit longer, by a few years).

The following pics were taken at my 2005 B-day celebration at Nephew's on the Square, karaoke night (Wednesday)!

Matt and Melissa - my closest friends "hit it off"
They are the cutest couple!

Kristen (KJ) hangin loose and generally havin a good time!

Me, Aimee, and Melissa always smiling together!

A Pic of Me:

My friends are my source of strength; they keep me laughing and in good spirits no matter what happens. My good friends here in San Marcos include: Kristen/KJ (my drinking partner, a barrel of laughs), Aimee (a blast and a half to be with always!), Melissa (same as Aimee), Girch - Matt Burton (whom I've partied with for years, back in Waco days and all - he's a riot!), Allen (always fun to chill with), Graham (my party partner and longest guy friend here), Deborah (who recently - July 15, 2004 - had little girl, Melody Ann, with Cory), Ben (we go way back... to MCC days), Becca (who recently graduated), Matt (who now spends more time with Graham than me), David (neighbor), Derek (neighbor), Shauna (neighbor - very lively girl), Alissa (old neighbor, aw... I miss her), Justin (always good for sarcasm and bringing me back to reality), and Jacob (funny, original guy very musically inclined). Wow, and the list continues to grow. Anyways... everyone here is great! We all have too much fun and don't get much work done, EVER!

Ya know, I had some more personal info in here, but I think it's best if I just leave it plain and simple. Life is good, and I hope everything keeps going smoothly until I graduate and get outta here (I dread the day). God willing, I get a job when I do graduate! Okay, further Disclaimer (I have a lot of those) this website has been a work in progress since I was 17, so a LOT of things on here are old... especially on other pages. So, if you have something you notice that is outdated, please let me know (for those who know me).

I have several friends I feel should be mentioned. My best friend (guy) Evan lives in San Antonio, and we hang out frequently. My bestest friends from Waco are Christi (18 years of being Best Friends and still counting), Connie, Jenn, and EJ. Crystal D. is at A&M in College Station. Brandon, Becca, and Mike all live in Dallas (so I rarely see them, but love them just the same), I need to go party it up with them. I miss them all so much and wish they'd come down and hang out with us down here. When we all find time to hang out together, it's awesome bc we always have so much fun together. I guess we all grow and move apart as time goes by, but hopefully, we'll be able to remain friends through thick and thin, and even distance.


A Few Links: Brought to you by me!

My Other Site
My Space
Brandi Page
Warm Weather @ Tx State!
Texas State 2005
Texas State (more) & Prior
Halloween 2004
Exquisite Quotes

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