

Opinions gives Survivors fans the chance to discuss the show. Tell  us about your favourite episode! Who's your favourite character?  Who's the worst? What would YOU have done in their situation?
Every month we'll publish a full-length rant from a Survivors fan. Submit your entries to the email address below!

Discussion-  Your favourite Episode? Favourite character?

Information - Videos, fanclubs, related sites...

Opinion of  the month
A Ritual Rant by Ewen and Gladys

Opinions of  the last months:

1) What  would YOU do if...You woke to find that a member of your small  Survivors community had been raped and murdered?

2) Greg Preston - The Man and His Motives

3) What would YOU do if...You woke to  find 99% of the population had been killed by a virus...And you  were a vegetarian?

4) Charles Vaughn - What's Love Got  To Do With It?

5) Postcard from a Survivors Holiday Camp

6) Learning to Survive

7) Is  there a place for non-violence in Survivorsland?

8) What would happen  if the Sickness was NOW, in 1998, instead of the early 70's?

9) The Stand, Survivors and Glenn Hoddle

Books -  Survivors related books recommended by fans.

Articles - A list of known articles about Survivors.

This Month
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