Jok Church

The Man Who Started it All - Author of "Beakman and Jax" and the man with the brain that brought Beakman to life

You Can With Beakman and Jax

So why is this guy doing all of this? A welcome from Jok as posted on his page.

Life outside of Beakman -- The Art of Christo and Jeane-Claude

Interview with Jok Church

Discussion in the Washington Post

An extremely exciting project. Check out The Sassafrass Environmental Arts Center It will almost make you feel like you are right there.

So who is this guy? Search through the "Beakman and Jax" site for hidden pictures which lead to info on this busy man. Or visit his mini bio.

Still not enough? How about an interview given by

And what led to Beakman and Jax in the first place? This is an article on the Beakman's World tour, but it also has a lot of interesting background information.

What's your oppinion on square bubbles? Jok's is pretty cool.

Who prints this stuff??? Universal Press Syndicate

These images and logos were created by Jok Church

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