Thoses pages contain short stories of dayly events in places visited by the author during his numerous trips around the world.
Images of Japan.
Commented Photos taken durin a travel around the world in 1969: japanese men and women, festivals, temples, gardens and castles.
Splendors of India.
Travel diary in India, au Népal and Sri Lanka (Ceylan); photos, commentaries, descriptions of sites visited during a trip around the world in, in a camping-car Wesphalia. (in french)
The roads to Katmandu. et The garden of Eden, Sri Lanka.
Images and impressions of Bali. (in french)
Trip to Bali ein 1997. (in french)
An adventurous trip on the paths of Marco Polo.
Chronicle of the cross-over meedle-easth and Asie in a camping-car during 1968 winter: Turquie, Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan. (in french)
Images of Buthan, Tibet and Nepal. (partially in english)
Photos and video taken during a trip to Buthan, Tibet and Nepal in april 2001.
Images of south-asie.
Photos and video taken during a trip in Thailand, Laos and Cambodia in january 2002.
The hidden mysteries of Myanmar (Burma).
A fascinatins trip in the year 2000.
Escales en cours de préparation
Illustraded récents trips to Asia.
Trips in China, Hong Kong in october 1996, in Vietnam in november 1997.
Voyage en Russie et en Uzbekistan en 2000.
A trip to Australia, New-Zeland and Tahiti in 2002.
To South Africa, Zambia and Namibia en 2003.
In february 2004, a trip to Ecuator and Galapagos.
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