- Set out the goals of the ad campaign:
The three goals of web promotion are generating traffic, creating brand awareness, driving sales. It is best not to try to achieve multiple goals by trying to pursue all three in a single ad. Instead, develop a campaign that uses different banners tailored to each objective.
- Understand the Audience's Personality:
Audience's demographics and psychographics is NOT as relevant as deducing their real 'personality,' their habits and background, who do these people 'really' think they are?
Most experts think that this is the ABSOLUTE key for successful online advertising - surpassing the need for any graphics at all, forget about animation or indeed interactiviy. See ZD NET 08/97
- Understand how to grab the user:
Know their agendas and a motives
- Don't rely entirely on cutesy gimmicks to generate traffic
- People like clicking on familiar things:
things they recognize / like / can relate to
- Challenge Your Audience's Personality:
Advertise the 'personality' of the site's audience. Display a message that attracts that - their attention / curiosity stimulates them or makes them search for more information.
- Hence functional ads:
the scroll down box choice list often works -they are interacting with something they know about. A functional Ad uses technology more advanced than an animated GIF, such as Java, Shockwave, or even HTML forms
- Reward Your Audience's Personality:
With the content of the website