Well, I can't believe you're here! Welcome!
Ok, so this is my first webpage. It's 7 years later, and I've had to go back and delete a lot of it, because the links just don't exist anymore. So, basically, it's just for me - for reminiscing. Don't ask me why. I've discovered I most like the travel journals, so that's what I'll keep. The rest of it? Well, I'll think about it. For all my new visitors, maybe a little explanation is required. My name is Sierra. For more about me, find my picture below, and just click on it. Never mind, I removed that bio. I have lots of interests, but I only have room for a few of them on my page, so let the images load, and see if you can figure out where they will lead you. As I mentioned, most of them lead nowhere anymore, so..... And hey, let me know you've been here, and what you actually think of this place. I LOVE visitors! ..... if you can find the Woods' guestbook.