Dylan's Place!


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Born September 12th 1997.

Dylan's Message

Technical Notes on the Language of Chinese

Hakka Info
after September 1999

CJKV odds and ends

2000 : 2001 : 2002 : 2003 : 2004 : 2005
Free Calendars with Western Solar and Chinese Lunar Dates ( Requires Big5 Chinese fonts )

Unicode Characters of Chinese Japanese and Korean
Hanzi, Kanji, Hanja, Zhuyin Fuhao, Hiragana, Katakana, Jamo, Hangeul, Compatability Characters, Punctuation, Unicode Extension A, Listings for Big5, GB, JIS, KSX in Unicode

5 Tang Poems
due to a request on Wednesday 7th February 2001

Traditional to Simplified Hanzi
Notes on the development of hanzi (Chinese characters) from traditional characters to modern simplfied forms.

Links for news:sci.lang

?Dylan W.H. Sung 1996-onwards.

My name, in chop formMy name, in chop form
My name, in chop formMy name, in chop form

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This site is not as frequently updated as my Mirror, so it is better to click on the above link.