These are some essays designed to amuse, inform or annoy you.
Everyday Magic : What it is.
What am I ? : Logic and Metaphysics for beginners.
Thinking : Thinking for beginners (a continuation of "What am I?")
My Father's Story : Inspiring or depressing. Depends on one's frame of reference. (A Large File. Please be Patient)
Comrades : Unsolicited advice on how to run 90km.
Subjective Musical Impulses : Thinking aloud about music.
Musical Composition 101 : Advice to beginners who want to compose songs.
Evil : Thoughts on the concept. Not for manic-depressives.
Guys & Dolls : Why I'm pissed off with women .(This is a spoof on women's magazine articles. Except written from a male point of view. What's good for the goose is good for the gander etc...Please don't write to me and recommend psychotherapy.)
Business Practice : Thoughts on corporate culture.
Kulture : The pitfalls of trying to be creative and trying to earn a living.
This page was last updated : Tuesday, November 04, 2008
God,Death,Truth,Metaphysics,Women,Lies,Thinking,Guys and Dolls,
My Father's story, WWII, The Great Depression, Meinhardt Greeff, Mynderd Greeff,
Maynard Greeff, comrades marathon,evil,subjective musical impulses,everyday magic