owl.gif (1779 bytes)

goddesgreenrose.jpg (8774 bytes) Goddesses
of the
Green Rose

drawing © Cheryl Rose 1992

This is not intended to be an exhaustive list of all the possible Goddesses.  Like everything else on this site these are the ladies I've worked with over the years; some more some less.  At the moment a lot of the information you'll find here is general but over time I'll get all of my own material up here.

As to why the Green Rose -- I'm not really sure. It was simply the way they chose to identify themselves when I asked one day.

On the subject of mixing patheons:  My experience is that over time as I work on something the Goddess who is interested in sharing my journey will come to me.  I don't remember a time in my life when Athene wasn't there and Kwan Yin simply answered my call for help in a dream one night and has been part of my life ever since.  As much as I believe intellectually that we should stay within our own "tradition" my own experience really hasn't permitted me to even try.


greenrose2.jpg (31748 bytes) Air
Air of Air = Athene
Water of Air = Ariadne
Fire of Air = Psyche
Earth of Air = Kwan Yin


greenros.jpg (51888 bytes) Fire
Air of fire = Freya
Fire of fire = Sunnu
Water of fire = Brigit
Earth of fire = Frigg


greenrose.jpg (32923 bytes) Water
fire of water = Cerridwen
air of water = Circe
earth of water =Hecate
water of water = Morrigan/Morgan Le Faye


greenrose3.jpg (59017 bytes) Earth -
Air of earth = Persephone
Fire of earth = Hestia
Water of earth = Airmed
Earth of earth =


Other Goddesses

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©all orginal material copyright: The Inward Jouney, 1986-1998