I scream into the darkness, but no one replies. Some where in the distance, the echo
fades. Closing my eyes, I feel screams bubble inside of me, but I stay quiet. I cannot cry out. I
will not cry out. I'm supposed to be quiet. I'll be a good soldier. Where am I? I want to go
back and play in the sand. I heard the sirens ring. They ring a lot. I like the sand. It's warm.
Why did the sirens ring? Everyone ran. Oh well, I'll stay here and wait for Mommy. She
knows what to do.
Once again, the darkness surrounds me. I came back to this black, closed room.
Where are the windows? Where is the sun? I see only darkness with a single spot of light.
What is the light? As I crawl closer to the tiny, bright dot, the silence is broken by gentle music.
I can hear people laughing. Are they laughing at me? The shiny spot becomes a keyhole. Is
this the door? I fumble around in the darkness searching for the door handle, but nothing is
found. I sigh. This is not a door. I look through the hole. There are so many people out there.
I shout to them, but only echoes reply. How did they get out there and why do they laugh?
Suddenly, there is no light. Terrified, I scream, yet it is not I who screams. Who's
screaming? Make them stop. Silence reigns. Again, I'm alone in the dark. Where did the light
go? Where did the laughing people go? I hear a sound close by. Who's there? I hear the
stumble again. Sweat begins to bead on my forehead. I'm scared. Who's there? Troubled
breathing brings me back to reality. Someone is panting. What's going on? Who's there? My
eyes search the blackness, straining to see what lies so close to me. A tentative hand reaches
out, but nothing's there. I can't even feel the ground. Where's the floor?
An awesome flash of light spreads before me and a cloud rises from the ground. It
looks so far away. Why is the cloud there? Suddenly, the ground shakes beneath me and I
hear thunder, but it's not quite thunder. What is that? My ribs hurt and I still hear that awful
breathing. Who's there? Why are they hiding? I'm scared. I feel sweat drip down my face.
Why does it feel so thick? Why does it make clumps on my head? Ouch! My head hurts
when I touch it. Why do I hurt? Why won't that breathing stop? It sounds so horrible!
I look around again. The world is glowing, but I can't see anything. Where is the
keyhole? Where are those people? The big cloud is still in the sky. Did they go to see the
cloud? I want to see the cloud. It looks like an umbrella. Where's Mommy? She would make
my head feel better. She would make the breathing go away. Where's Mommy? I want my
Mommy. The sweat keeps getting thicker on my head. Why is it red? Daddy would know.
He knows everything. Where's Daddy? He would take me to see the umbrella cloud. I know
he would.
My ribs don't hurt anymore, but my head does. The breathing is quieter. Maybe it will
go away soon. The cloud's getting smaller, but it still looks like the world's glowing. I wish I
could've seen the cloud. Will Mommy and Daddy be here soon? My head feels a little better.
I haven't cried at all. Mommy will be pleased. I'm a good little soldier. The breathing is getting
really slow now. I think it will stop soon. I'm getting very tired. Will Mommy mind if I go to
sleep? I wish there was a window here. I want to look outside at the laughing people.
Suddenly, my head screams at me. Why does it hurt like this? I just want to go to sleep.
Everything will be okay when I wake up. Maybe we can go see the cloud then. I can't hear the
breathing anymore and I am very tired. I hope Mommy's here when I wake up.
As I close my eyes, the music returns. I like the music. Darkness encompasses me.
My head doesn't hurt anymore. I'll see Mommy soon. She'll be happy. I didn't cry, not even
once. She'll be happy. I'm a good soldier...a good soldier...a good soldier....under the
umbrella cloud....