The Darkness of Night
The Darkness of Night © 1998, S.Ireland
Castle Desire
The Darkness of Night
Poem by onmyown
Poem by Sorrow
Stand Your Ground
Winter of the Soul
Darkness, A tender lover holding me tight to her bosom,
Calming me with the whispers of the wind.
She cloaks me in her dark embrace, and fills me with her tender loving passion.
Wearing golden stars in her hair, and a dark cloak of silence.
Her children, hidden deep within, adding music to her vast expanse.
Night calls to me, play in my world of reality and dreams.
She unveils the cloak of night to show me the Moon, Worn brightly upon her neck a brilliant medallion.
As if giving me the gift of sight that I might see the woman I love.
She hides my fears, pains and insecurities and tells me that tomorrow will be better.
Darkness beacons me to rest my weary mind and to sleep.
As time goes by one day, she will call to me in my sleep and alas I will wake no more.
For my lover shall carry me away into her embrace and never let me go.
Reprint by permission