- It has been shown that for many who suffer from PTC that by limiting the amount of salt or sodium in their
diet they can reduce headache pain and PTC symptoms. The RDA daily requirement for sodium has an upper limit of 2400 mg a day.
Most individuals consume much more than this, with the average approximately 7500+ mg or approximately a
teaspoon and a half of salt.
- The foods in the diet which contain high salt content, are usually those which are processed, canned and prepared.
- Canned vegetables will have 10 times of sodium of frozen vegetables. Frozen vegetables have a only few mgs when prepared
without added salt.
- Prepared dinners can have as much as the daily RDA of sodium per serving while the food when prepared from fresh fruits, vegetables and meat will have a fraction of that quanitity.
- By getting into the habit of reading labels for their sodium content and trying to remove those things which are high in
sodium content, it is possible to remove sodium from the diet and hopefully remove some of the problems associated with
this condition.
Comments of questions should be directed to: ptcf@geocities.com