My Dream Book
Meditation | Life is magickal ]
Throughout my life I've had dreams that stood out. I would remember them months later in vivid detail. It didn't happen often, maybe once a year. And these dreams always had a stong point: don't be foolish, don't worry, etc.
These dreams would show something in my future and it almost seemed as if I was giving myself guidance on the issue.
I don't use books to interpret my dreams, I use what the symbols mean to me. Besides, it comes from my Head not someone else's, or I should say, that's what I believe. :)
The point of this whole section? I've learned to accept and use this special gift to help me through my life. My ol'brain has all kinds of info in there if I learn to listen to it. It astounds me how often we are taught to ignore intuition, deja-vu, and dreams. This is how our subconcious communicates with our waking brain. There is alot of unfiltered, raw, useful stuff in there if we only pay attention.
The method of dream interpretation I use is inspired by Cunningham's Method. I write out the dream on the left page of my book in the best detail and order I can remember. On the right page I list significant events and players, I think on each symbol, what does it mean to me? Who do I associate with it? A brief meditation on the symbol or character usually reveals the myriad of associations I have with it. I write those down. I then reread my description, trying to see the subtext, the implied links and emotions. I write out my interpretation and leave it for a few days. I then go back and read seeing if anything new occurs to me anotating the page as I go. I then take the symbols and players and add them to my "Master List" in the back where I keep track alphabetically of my dream symbols and add the new symbols or new slant on symbols I've seen before. It is a great tool, this dreambook stuff.
Warning Dreams
Communication Dreams
Peregrine's Perch