-Rendering a virtue for a villain man is dangerous,
so as causing a malice against the honesty.
( by antic writer: Tit Maczyus Plavt )
Protest for giving the Honoree Dr. to Professor Aharon Barak.
Dear Sir, Rector of Yale University!
6 November, 2002
I am protesting against given the Honorary
Doctor for the Chief Judge of Israeli Supreme
Court, Mr. Aharon Barak, because I sure that
he is not the person as you mind about him.
-Author of this message fail as victim of prey hates
of several Israeli judges, as in head of them is the
man that got Honoree doctor of your University.
(Some words about my condition in the time when
were caused me the abuse acts by the court's
rampage are written later in this message).
As a victim of Mr. Barak tortures I ask to show
evidences about him, as on person and researcher.
Would you will compare the cynical actions that
caused by partnership of Justice A. Barak, with
his demagogic liberally alleges, used argue for
justify the "judiciary activism", then you will
sure in Justice and objectivity of my protest.
I write in this message a little part of offence
caused me with direct partnership of Mr. Barak
and I learned also other his dangerous verdicts,
that were caused against other victims; then I
wish to describe also the Mr. Barak's dangerous
experiments in jurisprudence that caused the
arbitrariness and social turmoil in my country.
Would You check the theoretical credo of our
Justice N 1, that invented for installation the
"judiciary activism" conception in Israeli social
system, then you should seen, as instead of
discovery in social systems, there are reading
about a farce, that edited by a manipulator in
jurisprudence, but not about researcher's proves.
I sure that after learning of actual aspects of this
message we are should convince by facts that
"judiciary activism" demagogy from it source
doesn't used there for triumph of human rights
(as Mr. Barak interprets), but in realty the Human
rights problem used here as Trojan hours which
using for to persuade the public for legalization
the "judiciary activism", because in the real the
excessive rule, that obtainet our court, should
be exploited as tools for justify an egoistic
interest for some interest groups; they arranged
here the mutual guaranty and arbitrariness for
secure their rampage. It will proof here.
(My theoretical or logical argumentation for
denial the "judiciaries activism" absurd are
written down, after of given some evidences).
To Topics
The offence acts that caused by A. Barak learns,
as he does not that liberally man which use the
judge's authority for triumph of humanity, else
you will be convinced by facts that he acts as
no honesty, cynical man, which in realty abuses
Human rights, the leaving men and liberalism.
(Here are written only a little part of my suffer
that caused me because activism of this man.
Would my God will given me a little time to
explain a long list of his illegally acts!).
I believe as after you will know some cases on
my familiarity with Mr. A. Barak, as You could to
estimate the essence of his public declarations.
Then I try at first to show you some facts.
The precedent's examples.
-Include of these cases, Mr. A. Barak aat 1987 in
illegal way abolished my petition, after in this
petition has given verdict of High Court as BAGATZ
112/86, that ordered to inquest of my mother's
dead in hospital Rambam. Yes, half year before of
his lawless intervene I got that verdict as given
by three Justices of High Court, given after the
complicated session, where I proved my right after
two year's my struggle for the lawfully right.
But our seeker for Honorary abolished this petition
as if the given verdict does not has been there.
It was a dirty action of hooligan cynical arbitrary.
-In other cases he prevented hearing myy petition on
unjust trials against me and wrong judgement; he was
the judge, that personally falsified the High Court
session proceedings for justify his lawless verdict.
( and so hurt my defense position in court ).
-So, in 1986 by illegal action the Justtice A. Barak
annulled my trial against my employer, whom I has
injured, as the dismiss was in negation with trade
agreement and previous judges managed this trial
tendentiously, as or doesn't write in proceedings
of sessions the witness's testimony and my
evidences and assertions, or falsified them.
In this demand I claimed the employer to return
from dismissing me because I was then in feeble
condition after the head injure, and I claimed
compensation because trauma, that caused me
in the factory, and because of the dismissing
caused in opposite with the seal trade agreement.
But Mr. A. Barak that time abolished my appeal
to High Court, by reason (as written in his
resolution) as if I do not knew what I wished.
*** ***
To Topics
Primer how Mr. A. Barak answered on my complain
because resisting for receiving my petition:
then I tried to submit petition to disqualify the
judge, that prevented from me to manage my trial
and falsified in the proceedings of session.
The brief maintenance of this trials you could
read in my virtual page
After twenty years of violence me by vain trials
suggested by the corrupted administration of the
governmentally company "Amidar" LTD, that wishes
with help of the court -to seize my legal flat.
I complained to the Justice because lawless refusal
of my petition by the registrar and hooligan clerks;
then Supreme Court chief A. Barak anew returned
to his casuistry style in his hypocrisy answer:
"Always the court did a favor charity for this appellant.
It's typical for them to be late with his appeal (!!),
Indeed the appeal is pushed.." (Citation)
The question of "be late" invented Mr. Barak alone.
-Look: -The highest judge has not a morre happy
fantasy for explain his lawless decide, then he use
that casuistry formula: -"be late with his appeal"..
See: Civil 10167/89; C. Appeal 7381/96; CA 2350/97.
Principle, each citizen have the right by law to petit
in the Supreme Court in cases when he suffer because
of lawless acts; but the Chief Justice closed me all
doors and ways to Justice, which I sought. Then I
left helpless against these hooligan acts, as always.
And so more, and etc.. a chine of further many cases.
Now I show on primer as yet on the threshold of our
Supreme Court our Chief A Barak succeed to cause
an arbitrary selection between citizens with abusing
human rights of citizen, by his hypocrisy ordening.
Please take attention on essence of cases, as a chain
acts of rampage arbitrariness against logal citizens.
-The abuse, the health damage with anniihilation
my life, -are caused without any logical reason!
-But in all situations was symptomatic that my
judges always secured corrupted criminal offenders.
-So works the rampage of egoistic oligaarchies groups
with helps by organized mutual guarantee and court.
The lawless prevention to receive my petition in
the Supreme Court was an act of violence caused
with purpose for turn defenseless each citizen that
struggle against rampage acts by corrupted groups.
-I sure that this hypocrisy man, that ddestroyed my
and other men life by given wrong judgment and
illegal acts should not be a Honorable Doctor or a
Justice because he is a hypocrisy, cynical man.
-Following given as primer act of arbittrariness
against the public, that causing in High Court by
arbitrary changes of procedure of reception appeals:
Principle, before of his nomination as chief of our
court, each man, whose citizen's rights were hurt,
has being able to submit its petition in the
Supreme Court, without of formalistic resistants.
-But after Mr. Barak nominated as the HHigh Court's
chief, he changed the previous ordering.
After "revolutionary" intervene of Mr. A. Barak,
under his instruction, the secretariat doesn't
take petitions that not submitted by lawyer; now
the petitioner must at first to appoint to special
clerk that may to stop this appeal under his
selection, as if this document has any defects.
But on my complain our chief judge explained with
his casuistry as though these instance added
for helping the men to submit their appeals(!).
But in realty, by this way he succeed to close
the doors before many men because of excessive
demands of the management of High court, as it
go in negation with intend of the Court for Justice.
So the weak population people were deprive of
civil right for the facile submission their appeals
in the Supreme court. So caused artificial
resistance for receiving appeals by Mr. A. Barak.
So, Mr. Barak turned the process of submission
petitions from citizens in High Court in act of
abuse, violence and selection between people.
I testify as veteran citizen as Mr. Barak on this
way established a hooliganism as norms in court.
I passed this way, I know. It is casuistry man.
No forgot, that these situation could occurred
with many wounded people, that seeks the rescue.
-As you could see on my and many other men primers,
here doesn't reading about any formalistic discussion;
but there are physical victims, killers and corpse.
**** ****
Who and why encourage our court's chief?
If to believe to our Justice's chief explanation,
it could mind as he always struggled for watching
the human rights of the weak population, but in
the real, as it disclosed by facts and documents,
our famous liberal and humanist has personally
partnerships in abusing acts agaist loyal citizens.
-I is the victim of offender Mr. Aharonn Barak,
I saw you on proofs that this offender used
the great authority of High Court's Chief for
abusing me as abusing Human Rights principle.
Of course, there are many other men that were
abused by hypocrisy and rampage acts of them.
-On base of my personal suffer, I sure as this man
success to obtain an excessive power in my country
by using an intrigue with casuistry use the pseudo
scientist perception as "judicial activism", that
goes wrong with foundation of Democracy, and
Jurisprudence as it goes wrong with logical analyze
Justice and Humanism.
We show in al possible aspects that the activistic
ideas as they brought by our justice, are going
contradictory with theory and public interest.
Yet I sure, -that the absurdable, wrong perception
could to busy the public because encouraging him
by some corrupted and some interests groups, that
have influence into some administrative, financial,
public and media structures in my country; with my
regret. Other's, this scientist absurd with his rampage
acts as judge, could not continued a long time.
-Then the arbitrariness, ethnic intolerrance violence
and social turmoil in country causes with corrupt
groups as they together sacks out and robberies
the society and the country.
I believe, that one day the Jewish people in the
World will give a difficult questions to Israeli
Leadership, to explain our social relations.
But we wish to limit our theme with given proofs
about the judiciary and about our Justice N 1.
*** ***
To Topics
Does he is a child rescued from Holocaust?
This man always tell before all forums as in period
the world war he was a boy that were rescue in 1943
from killing in ghetto by a farmer! -But I testimony
as this rescued boy does apocalypse for others now.
I was a boy as he in the Second World War, as
in 1942 (12 year old) I began work for my broth.
Then very many children left without fathers.
My generation doesn't know the childhood.
I repatriated in Israel to defense my Jewish
country, as does many other men.
This man was here during all Israeli's defense
wars, but he "succeed" doesn't fight for his
country. This business should do by other men.
Here discloses the real "moral" of this man.
-I wished read his biography for undersstanding the
source of psychological pathology in abusing me.
-But all data what I was heard and founnd:
-as he came to Israel in 1948, from Eurrope,
together with his parents.
-I understand that the parents of Mr. BBarak all
the time of Hitler's nazism occupation were in
the ghetto of the city Kovno.
Before of my repatriation in Israel, in 1971 I
visited Jewish ghettos and all Jewish cemeteries
around. -I sought there for my source (because my
mother, and my grandfathers are from the Lite);
the remembers of the Holocaust strengthened
my wish and the struggle for repatriation.
In this ways I visited 9 Th. Fort, the old citadel,
that in 1941 the Gestapo transformed in the
camp for killing my people. Around the old walls
was a depth moat and many of barbed wire.
In all cuts of the wall there are watch towers.
In the 9 Th. Fort, that in 1971 watched as
museum of Holocaust, I saw piles of shoes of
killing children. In the "9 Th. Fort" by Gestapo's
ordering with other sacrifices were killed all,
until 8 year age's children of Kovna's ghetto.
On the ashes of burned men planted a potato.
Then, at times of the world war there were the
german's dogs, the watchmen, killers of "SS"
and there were the "kapo", -a jewish -traitors,
-they did the black work for the Gestapo,
sometimes they were cruelest of the Gestapo.
(The salutary Jews, that left live after they
freedom by Red Army, killed the "kapo" traitors).
From the ghetto nobody of a live people could
not go out, -only with permission of Gestapo.
-How this family succeed to rescue intoo the
ghetto and to save their child outside?
-I wish know his fathers name and his ffathers
specialization then, in 1942, in the ghetto..
-And who of rescued Jews, remind this ffamily
from that time. In this ghetto where killed
thousands people. Who rescued this family?
On my knowledge, everyone from men that left
live after their rescue, went with Red Army
to finish with Germanys fascism.
-My father was killed in battle againstt hitler's
Germany's army in 1943, as millions fathers of
other children, that failed in fields of this
cruel war for rescue the humanity world.
-Does the father of our chief judge wennt to fight
against hitler's army as does other rescued men?
How this family has succeeded escaping to Italy?
Does it is that rescued boy, that being Israeli
judge, liberated the watchman of Savybor, Jon
(Ivan) Demyaniuk as if doubtful case ?
The self, rescued boy abused my life and honor,
as he showed his hypocrisy and sadistic behavior.
After I has read a little from the Mr.'s Barak
biography book "Kvodo", was confirmed for me
that his father and uncle in period of the war
were loyal collaborators of German's occupants.
His father was the manager of the factory that
produced uniforms for fascist's army, and his
kindred uncle was there a policeman.
Before of liberation the city Kovno by Soviet Army
the 'SS' burned the ghetto; then the Gestapo with
them helpers killed all people that tried to rescue
from flame ghetto. Look, only families of Brick,
(so named then our Justice A. Barak), left safe.
In conversation of Mr. Barak, when he reminds cases
of that period of his life, there are many fancy,
when the 65 year old man give us his pleadings as
if he understand the world as a 5 year old child.
So, it is difficult to believe, as a 5-year's age
child on high heels shoes succeed to lead any 'SS'
about his age, and so left living, at time as all
children of his age (up to 8) killed in 9 Th. Fort.
We can not know the real behavior of 'SS', as he met
with this child, but I feel accurately the torture
that caused with peoples, which children were killed
in the 9 Th. Fort, when they met in the ghetto with
this well-groomed blonde child on high hills shoes.
Also difficulty to believe in written versions on
his and his mother's escape from ghetto..
Sure, that Gestapo should known all about family of
the manager of the ghetto's factory... No far ago
they killed many (30) jewish policemen, which helped
for some men to escape from this ghetto. Zvy Brick,
the father of our Justice, does could to decide for
escape his family from ghetto, against to the SS wish?
Logical to suppose that Gestapo doesn't planed to
kill the son of their important collaborator. But the
safely 5 year child occurred a precedent goes wrong
with SS ordering of killing all children of his age, -as
if this case could wound the prestige of German's
regime (ordering). Then, Gestapo himself should be
interested to escape that child from the ghetto.
Then I do not believe in miracles, that written in
Mr.'s Barak biography book, but I sure as would
the father of Justice A. Barak, Zvi Brick, has left
in the Soviet Lituva (Lite), after it's liberation
by Soviet army, the soviet regime has killed him
as a traitor, that collaborated with occupants.
His father no goes with Soviet army to fight against
fascist's army, as does other men, but has seek a
rescue in countries that were satellites of Hitler.
-There are more strange obscure in thiss history.
-Does our Justice is a child rescued frrom Holocaust?
-Does maybe here closed the root of hiss ill behavior?
*** ***
Above we are have given the truth, logical, historical
and theoretical proves against the "judicial activism".
Dear reader, we ask to give your opinion on the
essence of "judicial activism" and your critic about
the proves against them, that written in this message.
Professor A Barak V. Jurisprudence.
-As judiciary functionary Professor A BBarak has
declared in Israel a pseudo scientist ideas of
"judicial activism", that hurts the Jurisprudence.
I ask to analyze this "invention" and to proof that
the "judicial activism" perception is a pseudo
scientific and anti democratic farce that in realty
contains a public danger, as factor of arbitrary
and conspiracy that causes a social turmoil.
Above we showed on primers how the "judicial
activism" uses as tools for arbitrariness, as in
the short past the human rights alleges has used
arguments for prove the "judiciary activism"
conception as a social needs to secure the
"minorities rights" against the voted governments.
You could seen here that the "judiciary activism"
concept (if the farce could be named as concept?)
will be disclosing here as antithesis of the justice
and human rights and democracy, that were using
as argue for the "judiciary activism" establishing.
Now I should to show in a natural light the
"judiciary activism" conception, given us by Mr.
A Barak, as scientist farce, that go wrong with
the Justice and Jurisprudence.
I ask to analyze this "invention" and to proof
that the "judicial activism" perception is a
pseudo scientific and anti-democratic farce.
*** ***
How he succeed to argue his wrong scenario, as
with negation to public critic the court's rampage
theory continued to be for long time ?
Problem: Majority? No, -Minority.
Then Mr. Barak allege that accordance the modern
human rights conception the human rights problems
of minority solves by given to court (to judges)
an exclusively rule with independence.
If we knew that democracy insure the rule of majority,
that realizing by the voted parliament, now we have
to agree with concept of Inventor A Barak as the
Rule must be divide between three independence social
institutes as parliament, government and the court.
But in the meantime from these "improve" of Israeli
society has win the only minority, - Mr. Barak
personally with some his colleagues and robbers.
**** ****
Majority? No, -Minority.
Mr. Barak explained his excessive request of power
given the excessive authority for court by fancy's
as if the classical democracy principles opens a
theoretical possibility that the majority could to
exploit their power in parliament for causing
injustice acts against minority, then under Mr.'s
Barak logic, could occurred an confuse situation.
Here Mr. Barak appeal to global world Human rights
declarations and organizations; then he assumes and
learns us that in modern times the human rights of
minority have a main involving in the world; then
he ask pathetically: Who will defense the minority?
Then, our inventor assumes as in modern democracy,
the old democratic principle on the rule of majority
is conservative conception in compare with modern.
But, in opposite to knowledge principles our chief
judge A. Barak success to take for himself an complex
of unlimited authority that includes the authority
of legislator (instead the voted parliament), together
with function of judge for himself, for his judges and
for his folk. In the realty a man that doesn't voted
by citizens got the autocracy power of a sovereign.
Mr. Barak explained his excessive request of power
by fancy's as if the watch for classical democracy
principles open a possibility that the majority could
to exploit their power in parliament for causing
injustice, harms acts against minority, then under
logic Mr. Barak, could occurred an confuse situation.
Here Mr. Barak appeal to global world Human rights
declarations and organizations, then he assumes and
learns us that in modern times the human rights of
minority have a main involving in the world, then
the democratic principle of supreme of majority is
conservative old conception in compare with modern.
Then Mr. Barak allege that accordance the modern
human rights conception the human rights problems
solves by given to the court with all judges an
exclusively authority and independence of the court
from the voted parliament and government.
If we knew that democracy live as Rule of majority,
watched for the voted parliament, now we have to
agree with concept of Professor A. Barak as the
voted RULE must be divide on three independence
institutes as parliament, government and the court.
More of this, the Israeli judiciary allege against
establishing any public control on the court, because
as if the public control in court could hurt the
judiciary independence and so wound the Justice(!).
**** ****
The intention of the "judicial activism".
About behavior of our inventor of "judiciary activism",
humanistic behaves in a real situation we has written.
Now we have to proof that his theoretical assertion
in this area are absent any scientific and logic basis.
-More of this, I sure that the real purrpose of the
"judicial activism", no were human rights, but
securing the short individual egoistic interest.
There are an absurdity; as the legalization of
"judicial activism" permits for interesting court's
functionaries in one time to hurt the Law, to cause
any lawless action, as offense, abuse or corruption
as casuistry justify of refined cynical acts, and in
the self time to dress himself in suit of liberalism
and human rights and Justice.
Some of parliamentarians take a risk to critic these
activist inventions in jurisprudence; -then Mr.
Barak confused them, as doesn't educated men could
not understand the genial ideas in modern democracy.
-So, for do a vision of argue for "judiicial activism"
farce, and for neutralize any possible opponents of
his "theory" chief A. Barak adds to his alleges few
words from human rights popular lexicon , because
nobody can not discuss against the hypocrisy using
by popular Human Rights defending argumentation.
-But with this demagogic declarations ffor defense
the human rights finished all his "scientific".
Mr. A. Barak left for us the scientific vacuum and
busy to discovery fetish of "judicial activism" .
I warn the public from mistakenly explanation and
observation of the "judicial activism" wrong ideas.
I wish to disclose here the real wrong purpose of
its inventor as theoretically, as by with disclosing
negations between hypocrisy using of his false
"liberal" demagogy with his injustice actions of
arbitrariness in the realty.
-Injustice sometime is equivalent with a murder.
**** ****
-As you see, the justify of "judicial aactivism" in
realty gives the judge the free hand to cause abusing
the human rights and the dignity of anywhere man,
causing an illegal activity actions and corruption.
These conception doesn't relevant with jurisprudence.
-Dear Sir, I ask You please read my exppression
about "scientific" -"judicial activism", known
as farce baby of our Professor Aharon Barak.
-As we remember, in advance democracy ssociety the
legislator's functions of parliament are separated
from the executive power institutes.
But, in oppose to knowledge principles our chief
judge A. Barak success to take for himself an complex
of unlimited authority that includes the authority
of legislator (instead the voted parliament), together
with function of judge for himself, for his judges and
for his folk. In the realty a man that doesn't voted
by citizens got autocracy power as he is a sovereign.
To Topics
The intention of Court's Independence.
In the Israeli judiciary given does not honesty
interpret about of the court's independence.
-In parliamentary democracy the parliamment as
elected by the people institute is the sovereign.
-The court is a socially tools that shoould to
ensure normal functionary of the community by
obedience to law, known by public as rule of Law.
We disclose the fetish of the "independence court"
that cloused after lies about modern democracy
concept of the "judicial activism" as an experience
for establishing rule of corrupted our oligarchy
and for their rampage and arbitrariness, that
brought social turmoil, danger for the country.
We have to prove here, that the query of the
court's independence in combination with allege
about "judicial activism" is a manipulator's track.
The query of the court's independence was here
established artificially, in vulgar tendentious
hysterical way, but does not scientific, without
proportional relations with other arguments.
We have shown before some arguments against
the false conception of "judicial activism", that
in all cases did not justify as being relevant.
Look, the query of the court's independence was
invented as though an answer to the query of
securing the minority rights in our a little country.
But the original query is falsified from beginning,
because the criterion securing rights of each
minority is a partly quest from criterion of
securing the dignity and human rights of a person.
Then the problem of minorities rights in a country
is a part of generally human rights condition; that
has be consisting in the democracy laws, then the
court's independence query goes as function
securing rights of any minority, is not relevant.
In general
The court's independence is a relative notion, it
minds that nobody could not to ordering, interfere
or influence on the judge to prevent from given a
honesty, lawful judgment. The court's independence
mind that nobody may not to intervene in judgment.
But the court independence doesn't mind, that a
judge could does activism in negation to law, as
causing a rampage, arbitrariness, or to judge in
way that opposed to the law, or do the judgment
without given liability for his work, or to be
free from the parliamentarian or public's control.
Vice versa, if a judgment was made contrary to
norms or law, from this point the independence
finished and instead of the given immunity the
judge and his judgment turn be open for public
critic and for revision by parliament and for
government and public institutes, that must to
secure democratic and human rights Principe.
The court's independence doesn't mind as the
court could turn be a country into the country.
There not exist notion rule of court, as say
some Israeli lawyers, but the court have to
ordering correct to the law, by the law.
(It is more absurdity to read about given courts
independence from parliament in "democracy",
where yet does not given a Constitution! ).
Should not be the Court's independence from the
voted parliament as any isolated social Rule.
But it is clear, that each judge traditionally
is independent and has immunity when he watches
(executes) the law and decisions of parliament;
as each other citizen. It is an important
principle of social harmony in democracy, that
should be the principle for jurisprudence.
In all times this independence was good and
doesn't caused an shortage of honest judges.
More of this, the judge, as each other professions
should be ability for his judgment, as for given
decision in honesty way, as by watching all
relevant rights of each citizen, norms and laws
(Others would be establish a rule of swindlers).
Does what we have after come the "judicial activism"?
In our country has established any privilege country,
as the privilege public from the second's takes for
himself excessively privileges, money and rule for
cause a rampage ordering in the metropolis land.
Each man that fall in their hands could turn be a nil;
they have a rule for charge, to write in falsified
proceedings what they wish and to order on arrest
a honesty loyal citizen under wrong exploit of the
law. The weak man have not where to complain
against the rampage of no honesty judge.
I can to give primers when from this exclusive
court's independence winning our super robbers.
For this option the "judicial activism" is relevant.
To Topics
The court's functions in human rights defending .
The court's functions in human rights defending are
limited by watch the equality and lawful in the court.
The other human rights problems may be a business
of social, public institutes, or of International court
for human rights defense; but does not by given an
excessively authority without of public control for
judges of this self country, that himself could be
occurred as offenders in court or corrupted.
Would to give an excessively authority for any social
group, as a court, without possible of public control,
it will bring a social perilous, when would open a
doors for taken the rule by oligarchies groups, corrupt
elements, opened option for autocracy, and for turmoil.
With justify "judicial activism" here occurred a wrong
situation, as bad rule by demagogues, that has observed
yet by the great ancients philosopher of democracy.
-The pseudo-theory of "judicial activissm" with the
alleges, that used for justify the "supreme rule of
court", in realty is a manipulative experience for
obtain functions of legislator, that goes in oppose
with foundation of Democracy and jurisprudence,
as causing difficulty for normal functionary of
democracy and judiciary institutes in our country.
Then our court more and more sank in vain appeals
because of disability's judgment, that turned be a
sputnik of "judicial activism".
Would Mr. A Barak saw in democracy system
elements of disharmony in secure rights of any
minority, then as a researcher he has know, as the
best criterion of watching citizen rights for any
group of minority consists in watching the general
condition citizen rights of a person, as watch the law.
Then the argue for basis the "judicial activism"
doesn't was relevant or scientific from beginning.
As in the country watches the human rights of the person,
has not any needs to revision the basis of democracy.
The farce's ideas of this man oppose the principles
which are conventionally in Europe and in USA.
So, would you compare the court's procedure in
USA with the same attributes in Israeli court,
you should attend the principle difference in all
aspects of judiciary: as judge nomination, the
management of trial, watching the procedural right,
manage the proceedings, authority of judge, etc.
I don't speak about formal differences, but about
basically negations with principles of democracy.
-I ask to attend that this foundations watches in
Europe and in United States of America; in this
way democracy learned to secure itself and the
community from intervening of all manner's
adventurers that always seeks a hole in judiciary
system for achieve their egoists purposes that
goes wrong with public interest and disturbs the
social harmony that possible with condition as
the basic principle of democracy are watching.
-Mr. Aharon Barak (with use pseudo scieentific
demagogy (as explained) and with helps of some
corrupted men from our parliament) success to
involve foundation of Democracy by justify
his pseudo-scientific "judicial activism";
as essence of it, given permission for judge
to mike decision how he understand, or feel,
or wish, as absent any liability for judgment.
Here even a child should understand that the
"judicial activism" could be exploit for arbitrariness.
-Now, because silence of our voters thiis man
success to obtain the authority for given verdict
opposite the law, he could given the law and got
a possible offend citizens under his selection.
-Yet he has authority for given a Law, in parallel
with elected parliament. It is an Israeli absurd!
With absolutely negation to principle of democracy
this man success (in a wrong way) accumulate for
himself an unchecked power, that causes arbitrary,
causes intolerance and social turmoil.
-But the much power of authority that ggiven for
them by parliament (for watching the Law) caused
the interesting men becoming drunk of this Power;
then they wish to safe this Power as personal
autocratic authority with tendency to watch for
self independence from law and elected parliament.
Then the "judicial activism" consist requests that
go wrong with principle of democracy and could
hurt the social harmony in the country and more..
-In Democracy the Supreme Power is a prrerogative
of parliament, that authorizes the court as part
of Executive Rule, to watch the Lawful in country.
(include execution parliament's decisions).
With negation to the conventional concepts
Mr.'s Barak alleges as if the modern sociology
prescribe to make an division the rule of the
voted parliament between tree or four
independence institutes, as parliament, court
and government, with requests of given an
independence for the court.
Why he does so? What his purpose?
On my experience in the court I am sure that the
"invention" doesn't was inserted for achieve the
world social justice, but the real purpose of
strange experiences of our Justice is to obtain
more power for himself also to survive privileges
for some corrupted groups and for his families,
that go in oppose with public interest.
In realty his "judicial activism" causes injustice
and social turmoil in country. As fact, after 5
years of the "judicial activism" legalization
doesn't occurred any progress in our judiciary,
as we yet does not turned in better society.
There are many Israeli lawyers, which defied
the "judiciary activism" conception of Mr.
Barak as deficient of logic and science.
-Would I have the possibility to find aadvocate's
help for considering a petition against this
man in the International Court for Justice !!
Please check my testimony given here! As a victim
of hooligan rampage of our Chief Justice, Aharon
Barak, who offended me without any reason, only
because of his nature and arbitrary ; then as a citizen
obedience to law, I am sure that Mr. A. Barak is
unworthy to be honored by a famed University, as
he is unworthy to be a judge.
To Topics
You should believe me that in an other case I
would be happy to know that an Israeli researcher
has recognized as Honoree of a famed University.
But Mr. A. Barak has not invented any theory
that brought any humanity progress in the world.
The human rights problems are going more worse
than it was before of the "judiciary activism".
Does my evidences don't persuade you?
His hyperactive seeking for Honoree is common
known. He exploited his public status as First
Justice of Israel for obtain the Honoree. But, as
showing, he could use the Honorary Dr. for malice,
abuse Human rights of defenseless men, as he wound
and abused my (and other victims) life, because of
social absurdity, that very difficult for explain.
I ask, why this man got the Honoree Dr. from
Tel-Aviv's and from other Universities ?
Why giving the Honorary to this chameleon?
Then I ask You to check my evidences written
here and to abolish the Honorary Doctor from
Mr. Aharon Barak as was given mistakenly.
Do not give them Honorary. It would be injustice.
Sincerely Boris Dobrovensky
**** **** ****
To Topics
The metamorphose of "judicial activism"
Before were written some cases of abuse, damage
unjust acts, that caused by Justice A. Barak. -These
facts are witness that the Justice personally uses the
excessive authority of judge for abuse the human
rights and dignity of citizens. This lessons learns
that instead the Rule of Law here occurred an illegal
usurpation of the Rule of Law by group of judges,
that acts under protection of the "judicial activism".
The proofs learns as "judicial activism" is a farce of
Mr. A Barak that in realty causes an arbitrariness
and wounds the rule of law and human rights.
-A part of these damage acts are writteen here!
Would you hear our modern democracy's inventor,
as the "judicial activism" established for defense
human rights of minority, but as you has seen, the
Justice A. Barak has use the excessive authority
for hurt the human rights of helpless citizen.
As a loyal citizen I request my government to
argue the hooligan behavior of Justice A. Barak.
But corrupted men from our administration with
some of parliamentarians yet doesn't answered me.
Obviously, that the "judicial activism" needs only
for justify given an excessive authority as a free
hand for disability judgment, include option for
causing an illegal corrupt actions or option to
abusing the human rights and dignity of citizen.
A part of these precedents are written here.
-It is clear as democracy principles dooesn't
permit any person or group to deprive the law or
social relations under any casuistry judicial
comment that could hurt the law and human rights.
Then the judiciary farce hasn't a chance for to be.
The jurisprudence doesn't established for them.
-I should disclose for public an absurddity of
"judicial activism", as an "activists" farce of
Mr. A. Barak that in realty causes a social
turmoil and wounds democracy and human rights.
The metamorphose of judicial activism disclosed
just in moment when we compare the alleges for
"judicial activism" with their naturally results.
If acts of abuse of human rights could be
possible by any conditions, then the symbioses
of democracy system with "judicial activism" are
wrong experience, impossible to be able in away.
More of this, would we make the logical analyze,
when the society give to any uncontrolled group
any privilege, then it has brought(automatically)
a threat for brought of autocracy and arbitrary.
In all variants of analyze the "judicial activism"
has been disclosed as antithesis of democracy.
-I should disclose for public an absurddity of
"judicial activism", as an "activists" farce of
Mr. Barak that in realty causes arbitrariness that
hurt the human rights and causing social turmoil.
-Dear Sir, I ask You please read my exppression
about "scientific" -"judicial activism", known
as farce baby of our Aharon Barak as scientist.
-As we remember, in advance democracy ssociety
the legislator's functions of parliament are
separated from the executive power institute.
The court and the judge are independence to
execute their judgment accordance with law.
Independence the court from parliament doesn't
relevant for Justice and for Jurisprudence.
Do I understand the Democracy in oppose
to Justice's Aharon Barak pseudo scientific and
anti democratic farce named "judicial activism".
-I base my critic of this theory on thee axiom
that purpose of Judiciary is the Justice and
Equality, as obedience of all citizens to law.
-This is a corner stone for conception as Rule
of law that justifies the Supreme of the Law.
I mind that the jurisprudence and principle of
democracy established as mankind's experience
that were checked and selected in hundred years.
-The philosophy principle of democracy suppose that
the law has been establishing on a basic democracy
principles, and given by elected by demos people; the
Supreme of the Law in democracy understanding as
supreme of Constitution that has given by parliament.
as the executive rule has be separated from legislature.
We are know as generally the democracy system
based on principle as rule of majority of people.
As we mind democracy as means the Rule of Law,
as defense for normal living and property of each
one, watching for the social justice as equality of
citizen's rights, possibility, free for conscience,
free and right on information, on election, etc.
-By democracy foundations the function and
purpose of court to watch lawfulness, equality
of rights for every citizen (includes judges).
But, the chief judge A. Barak success to obtain for
himself an unlimited complex authority as legislator
(instead the voted parliament), together with function
of judge for himself, for his judges and for his folk.
-Even the historical tyrannies had hasnn't so power.
-I sure that the real purpose of the "iinventor" of
"judicial activism" and his several others "ideas",
to secure the short individual egoistic interest of
some clans, that in the meantime have dominance
status in our country( with my regret).
-That is the Israeli absurd; as the "juudicial
activism" permits for interesting court's
functionaries in one time to hurt the Law, cause
an offense act, or any lawless action, with using
a casuistry comments as tools for justifies
refined cynical acts, when the offender dress
himself in suit of liberalism.
-So, the chief A. Barak adds to his phrrase few words
from human rights popular lexicon for neutralize
any opponents of his "judicial activism"; -with using
these popular words finished all his "scientific"..
Nobody could not confront against the man that in
hypocrisy way votes for Human Rights defending.
Some of parliamentarians take a risk to critic these
activist inventions in jurisprudence; -then Mr.
Barak confused them, as doesn't educated men could
not understand the genial ideas in modern democracy.
-As you see, in realty there are absentt any purpose
for Human Rights defending, as absent any science's
basis for got rights of legislator and an "activism".
-I warn the public from mistakenly expllanation and
observation of the "judicial activism" wrong ideas.
In realty instead the Rule of Law here occurred an
illegal revision of the Law by judge's inquisition,
that were possible under mask of "judicial activism".
To Topics
For what this man got the Honoree Dr. Philosophy by
Tel-Aviv's and other Universities? !
-The pseudo-theory as "judicial activissm" with
alleges that using for establishing or justify
"supreme rule of court", in realty is an experience
to intervene in functions of the legislator, that
negate foundations of Democracy and jurisprudence,
causes difficulty for normal functionality of
democracy and judiciary institutes in our country.
As result of this our court more and more sank in
vain appeals because of disability's judgment.
To Topics
Please, answer or give your opinion about
But just now I should to ask everyone. How to
interpret earnestly a conception, if before of its
establishing was declared as if the theoretical
basic for it is the Human Rights defense for
minority, if with negation to self's
declarations these system gave a free hands for
abuse Human Rights, as to cause selection
between citizens and to hurt them dignity and life;
does these concept could to have right for life
and functionary as modern democracy system,
between educated people?!
-we has proved that "Judicial activity"" in the realty
contains a public danger, as a factor of brought
badly corrupted leadership and social turmoil as
arbitrariness, conspiracy, injustice, violence and
are causes social turmoil, demoralization.
Look, the fancy "new system" from the source has
building on given an exclusively power for any
society group, and as so, from its born consist a
danger of turning the society of our country to
conspirators, uncontrolled management by doesn't
voted men, as free from any public control after
their functionary, turn to arbitrariness, in autocracy,.
So we push the dignity of each citizen in hands
of group drunk from power men.
We disclosed the metamorphose of "judicial activism"
that consist purposes that goes wrong with public
interest, when under false alleges about special
role of court in defense Human Rights for minority,
as in realty here hidden a purpose to obtain for the
court and his functionaries an excessive authority
by dividing the exclusive rule of the parliament,
-with government and the court, with obbtain for
the court exclusive independence from parliament.
In this struggle for privileges they succeed with
negation to basically democracy system principle,
by using alleges about struggle for the minority
rights in modern democracy, the functionaries
succeeds to cause excessive involve on the
society for obtain an privileges and possibility
of rampage activity in country. So the "judicial
activism" improve are causing arbitrariness.
Above we are have given the truth, logical, historical
and theoretical proves against the "judicial activism".
Dear reader, we ask to give your opinion on the
essence of "judicial activism" and your critic about
the proves against them, that written in this message.
Few words about my physical condition in the past.
I wish you to understand with respect my harmful
position in the time, when began my familiarity
with our court, it could help you to compare the
situation with the behavior of Mr. Barak as a
liberal judge and other aspects that I rise here.
In 1973, I was head injured by the barrier(a swing ramp)
of the factory, where I worked as mechanical engineer.
In 1974 I got a heavy metal poisoning (arsenic poison).
These were years of suffer, which is difficult to explain.
My physical condition progressive goes worse because
doctors behaved evasive to cure me from the heavy
metal's poison, because I complained against a dentist.
The complication of my body's condition occurred
because the heavy metals do a chemical compound with
man's body (than this metal doesn't leave the human
body in natural way), but during many years continues
to disturb the patient's metabolism (as it was with me).
During many years I suffered physical disturbances,
including decalcification of skeleton, complex of
physical changes in the body and caused difficulty
of my intellectual (brain) activity, etc.
So I turned disable as a social case, that subsists
on pension from governmental insurance.
My luck that I met some people that helped me in
my personal resistance from physical destroying.
It was an accidental case, that I remained living.
So, in time as I was poisoned, injured, suffered
because physiological, physical and intellectual
depression, the same judges (as a part of mutual
guaranty), closed all ways (options) to proving
the truth; then I can't to proving my real physical
condition and real circumstances and with this to
become the need treatment. Because of arbitrariness
in the court I turned be defenseless. They caused
to destroy of my life physically and as a person.
Around me was a cruel mutual guaranty (conspiracy).
How it occurred in our country is written before.
I write here things which I learned about them from
medicine books and checked them by personal suffer.
There are proofs that confirmed all written here.
(-I am a 72 old man, with high education of engineer).
-But I do not speak English. I regret ffoor possible
mistakes in this declaration. I attend there are written
a little part from my suffering in last 30 years.
The malice acts
The inquest after Mr. Aharon Barak's actions
If you need an information about written above, proofs,
evidences or explanations, please write or contact me!
To top
It is human rights defense action.