Jack Guzik
Jack Guzik
Guzik belonged to a large Orthodox Jewish family, one of eleven siblings, some of them talented, others street-smart, and all of them loyal to each other. The Guzik’s were, in fact, the kind of immigrants who could have suceeded in any one of numerous legitimate occupations, but chose illegal ways instead.
Under Capone, Guzik was the trusted treasurer and financial wizard of the mob, and in the years after Capone’s fall, he was considered the real brains of the organization. Capone protected Guzik because he was incapable of using a gun or any violence.
Guzik was a childhood pimp who came to the Capone organization early on. Capone quickly came to depend on Guzik’s advice in the various gang wars that came up during Capone’s attempt to organize Chicago. Jake also served as the Mob’s principle bagman in payoffs to police and politicians, giving him the name “Greasy Thumb”.
The only serious legal problems that Guzik ever had been with taxmen, and he eventually did a few years behind bars. He handled incarnation with aplomb, and afterwards returned to mob money duties. At the Kefauver Committee hearings, he made and interesting witness, pleading the Fifth Amendment on the ground that any response to the questions might “discriminate against me.”
Guzik’s position never once was questioned. All of the bosses gave Jake complete authority on legal matters. Guzik died on February 21, 1956, fittingly, at his post at St. Hubert’s, eating lamb chops and drinking a glass of Moselle. He died of a heart attack.