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Life's Gifts

And when I die before I wake
The earthly goods I leave behind
Will never make another rich
They are not much, these things of mine

So let me leave my other things
The one I treasure and adore
The ones I keep inside my heart
I leave behind for you to know

The sunrise when the day begins
A time of life I would not trade
For all the gold that could be found
It's yours my child, so take it please

The raindrops and the rustling leaves
Of autumn colored orange and red
These days are priceless precious jewels
I've loved them so, they're yours to keep

The springtime too, it's beauty take
The new beginning always tells
Of life renewed, fresh hope abounds
For Mother Earth is yours, my child

The finned ones and the ones that fly
Such beauty and great wisdom bring
The secrets of a balanced life
Are there for you, discover them

And in my final days of life
The drum and water sing to me
As I go on to richer things
And leave the gift of life to thee

Copyright © 1998
Serena Willis, serena@yt.sympatico.ca

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The Legend of The Cedar Tree
as told by Jim Fox

A long time ago when the Cherokee people were new
upon the earth,they thought that life would be much
better if there was never any night.They beseeched
the Ouga (Creator) that it might be day all the time
and that there would be no darkness.

The Creator heard their voices and made the night
cease and it was day all the time.Soon,the forest
was thick with heavy growth.It became difficult to
walk and to find the path.The people toiled in the
gardens many long hours trying to pulled from among
the corn and other food plants.It got hot,very hot,
and continued that way day after long day.The people
began to find it difficult to sleep and became short
tempered and argued among themselves.

Not many days had passed before the people realized
they made a mistake and, once again, they beseeched
" the Creator.Please," they said,"we have made a mistake
in asking that it be day all the time. Now we think
that it should be night all the time." The Creator
paused at this new request and thought that perhaps
the people may be right even though all things were
created in twos...representing to us day and night,
life and death, good and evil,times of plenty and those
times of famine.The Creator loved the people and
decided to make it night all the time as they had asked.

The day ceased and night fell upon the earth. Soon,
the crops stopped growing and it became very cold.
The people spent much of their time gathering wood for
the fires. They could not see to hunt meat and with
no crops growing it was not long before the people were
cold, weak,and very hungry. Many of the people died.

Those that remained still living gathered once again
to beseech the Creator."Help us Creator,"they cried!
"We have made a terrible mistake.You had made
the day and the night perfect, and as it should be,
from the beginning. We ask that you forgive us and
make the day and night as it was before."

Once again the Creator listened to the request of the
people.The day and the night became, as the people
had asked, as it had been in the beginning. Each
day was divided between light and darkness.The
weather became more pleasant, and the crops began to
grow again.Game was plentiful and the hunting was
good. The people had plenty to eat and there was not much sickness. The people treated each other with compassion and respect. It was good to be alive. The people thanked the Creator for their life and for the food they had to eat. The Creator accepted the gratitude of the people and was glad to see them smiling again. However, during the time of the long days of night, many of the people had died, and the Creator was sorry that they had perished because of the night. The Creator placed their spirits in a newly created tree. This tree was named a-tsi-na tlu-gv {ah-see-na loo-guh} cedar tree. When you smell the aroma of the cedar tree or gaze upon it standing in the forest, remember that if you are Tsalagi {Cherokee}, you are looking upon your ancestor.
Les racines de la Famille Huppé dit Lagroix
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