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; Register code (if you have it) ; Reglink opened in new frame? ; Name of new frame for reglink ; Image 1 to load ; Image 2 to load ; Image 3 to load ; Image 4 to load ; Image 5 to load ; link 1 ; link 2 ; link 3 ; link 4 ; link 5 ; statusbar msg on image 1 ; statusbar msg on image 2 ; statusbar msg on image 3 ; statusbar msg on image 4 ; statusbar msg on image 5 ; resolution (1-8) ; speed of fade (1-255) ; pause in milliseconds. ; Memory deallocation delay ; Task priority (1..10) ; Min. milliseconds/frame for sync Sorry, your browser doesn't suppor Java. ; Msg in no java browsers

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Updated March 2002
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