Size / Weight Discrimination. It has been called "the last
safe prejudice". It is not.
Just about everyone these days is familiar with the concept of "I'm mad as hell and I'm not gonna take it anymore." The same principle applies to your friends, neighbors, and family who are being discriminated against or otherwise emotionally battered by the unending stream of ill-thought humor, diet company advertising, and misleading marketting that targets weight or size.
I've got lots more that I can say, and more that I've been saying. There are more articulate / better / more comprehensive sources out there, though. I'll throw a sub-page under this one, so you can read Size Rights Activism: The Long-Form Rant to get an introduction to just what is facing EIGHTY PERCENT of the American public.
You could once get more details about Size Rights and related activist projects from from Rump Parliament's WebPage as well as the hardcopy Rump Parliament magazine; both appear to have been discontinued as of this writing.
Comments, complaints, and brickbats should be directed to the related e-dress.
Doorways To Specific Topics On Blackeagle's Wizard's Den
Make certain that you are right, then go ahead.
Sometimes I may not be certain, but I have to go ahead anyway.
That's life.
The Wizard's Den, Page rmpprl01
copyright 1997, 2003, 2008 Mike C. Baker.
All rights reserved except as specifically noted throughout.