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The Under-Empire spreads ever outward.  From its sprawling capital of Skavenblight, seething hordes of Ratmen attack the cities of the Old World and the realms of Men.  Black-clad Assassins slink through the sewers, rabid Plague Monks brew magical pestilence, insane Warlock-Engineers build devastating weapons of mass destruction and foul Packmasters mutate warped and deadly warbeasts to unleash upon their foes.  Through the ancient and evil Lords of Decay, the Horned Rat himself, dark god of the Skaven race cinically guides his Children to their ultimate destiny of complete mastery of the world.

Tactica: Skaven

Themed Skaven Armies

Horned Rat Daemon Warbands

Skaven Siegeworks

Skaven Religion

Skaven Abilities and Mutations


Themed Skaven Armies
Warlord Army
The Order of Grey Seers
Clan Skryre
Clan Eshin
Clan Pestilens
Clan Moulder


Skaven Claus (Humour)


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