On this day in P1atter History...

1983Be1a recognizes a promise New innovations
are always
on the horizon.
June 1985First Reference Database prototype unveiled
16-Sep 1985Wellesley office on Walnut Street opens.
ChrisP joins SP as employee #3.
September 1991Norwood office opens.
December 1991Bela hires PhilH as consultant (for 6,000 pounds per month). Businesses, Phil says, are simply large in/out bins. "Something goes in the 'in' bin, something is done to it, and it is put in the 'out' bin." The brilliance of this is lost on just about everyone.
August 26, 1992PhilH and JanB emerge from a 2-day offsite meeting at the Dedham Hilton with WaltW and BelaH. In this meeting they were informed that WaltW and BelaH would be taking management roles in the day-to-day operations of the company.    NEW!
December 1992WaltW fires PhilH.
Early 1993A diagram of the company strategy, in the shape of a cone, is distributed.
September 1994"Si1verP1atter Wor1d" debuts as one of the first thousand web sites. Success objective is to get 500 hits a week.
11-Jan 1994WaltW "invites" ChrisP to leave.
March 1995CGI2DXP Web gateway proposed to ET. It's insanity, they say. Too competitive to what we currently do. "Why would anyone want to use the web when they could be using PC SP1RS?"
June 1995Bela sees Si1verP1atter database being searched on a GUI UNIX web interface (CGI2DXP gateway) and has a vision. Suddenly, ET is behind the web. TimR and BillR are assigned to work on it on Fridays.
July 1995CGI2DXP renamed WebSP1RS.
September 1995Physicians' Home Page is launched integrating WebSP1RS with other web-based content. 300 customers by December.
May 1996Inquiry for European Zone
July 1996Announcement of CCPs
September 1996Inquiry for USA and CPL Zones
January 1997An Open Letter
May 1997Announcement of ERL 97
May 1997DonnaL removed
Donna's good-bye
? June 1997CCPs unofficially phased out
June 1997Announcement of Corpora (later Know1edgeCite)
June 1997Hong Kong office closed for historic "hand-over"
July 1997Norwood Seniority Chart published
August 1997RonA Named Pres., U.S. Zone
September 1997JonS stays
September 1997JohnD named CIO and VP of Organizational Effectiveness
September 1997JonLa named Director of MIS
November 1997Announcement of structural changes
(ElaineR, JohnL removed)
Elaine's good-bye
John's good-bye
November 1997Announcement of 14 lay-offs
January 1998BrianE removed
Good-bye from BrianE
January 1998RonA named CEO
February 1998Welcome Ralf and Roy
March 1998Gillian's good-bye
April 1998JohnD named COO
April 1998Announcement of 40 lay-offs, (25 on completion teams)
Invitation to a meeting
April 1998AlanD named VP of TD
June 1998The birth of SecretPlatter
October 1998JohnD named President
?January 1999Know1edgeCite absorbed back into quantum singularity.
June 1999RonA "sabbatical-ed".
July 1999JohnD: no appropriate role
good-bye from JohnD    NEW!

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last updated 1-JULY-1999, -agentx