Welcome to the Moonbase, recently voted best JLA site on the web!, This is also the largest JLA site on the web so if you get a minute or an hour stop by and look around, I'm always adding new stuff to the page.

Sorry, I just started another page, so I've been kind of neglagent to this one, but alas I will try hard to divide my time, but this page is already so cool all I can do is update it anyway, come visit my *new* page, Buff Baker's WCW/nWo Page.

Character info

JLA Vs. The Avengers Poll

I cast the JLA movie.

The Watchtower schematics

My picks for the JLA.

JLA Battle Royal

Young Justice stuff

The Bad guys!

Kingdom Come

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns

Rock of Ages

My own Elseworlds tale, READ THIS!

Fan Fiction

JLA: Year One

D.C. comics Trivia

My picks for other SuperTeams

Editorials: Why DC is so screwed up

Profile of the month for May: Guy Gardener: Warrior

Profile of the month for June: Nightwing

Profile of the month for July: Green Arrow

Profile of the month for August: DOOMSDAY

Profile of the month for September: The Savage Dragon

Profile of the month for October: Cyclops

Profile of the month for November: Doctor Polaris

Profile of the month for December: Black Manta

Profile of the month for January: DareDevil: The Man Without Fear

Information about me


Top 25 Most Powerful Heroes

Top 10 Toughest Villans

The Moonbase Message board

********** Personal Feedback?!?!?!**********

Okay, alot of people are emailing me telling me that my 'Battle Royal' is wrong, that Batman would beat Superman "...Because he has the kryptonite ring...", let me clear something up, he doesn't carry the ring around with him, it's locked in the Batcave under Two-Face's giant penny. Furthermore, Batman wouldn't use the ring anyway, he is the most honorable hero in the DCU and Superman gave him that ring under the strict statment that its to be used if the world ever needs a way to stop him, not if the Batman ever needs to stop him for the sake of the Damn Battle Royal. And even if he did carry the Kryptonite ring around with him, it would eventually soak through the lead case it was in and give Batman Kryptonite poisoning. Thank you for your time.

The JLA Membership Poll
Who should join the JLA next?

Green Arrow
Captain Marvel

Current Results
JLA Membership Poll
Who Should leave the JLA Next?

Big Barda

Current Results

Over 10,000 strong, you are #

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