Literature's cornerItalian version

Literature and life, a union which can not be deferred for many people, but is fatal for somebody. How can you imagine to combine the two words if you stay in a provincial town, and if you work as a responsible for social and cultural services in a small town hall, where people are more interested in TV wathching and drinking in the bars?
We can reflect about Leonardo Sciascia's words, written in a book entitled "The witch and the captain":
Because the man can know nothing
about himself and about the world
if the literature doesn't teach him.


A glance at the books


Enrico Thovez, poet of the beginning of XX century: here are two lyrics from Poema dell'Adolescenza, inspired to a strong psychologism.

Catullus: this Latin poet lived 50 years before Christ, but he's an evergreen loved by youth people all over the world


A tribute to Latin author Lucius Anneus Seneca: he lived in the first century after Christ, he wrote moral essays, he gives us a very modern passage from his Epistles to Lucilius.


Some thoughts about Enrico Thovez's art and works.

Internet Bibliography for Italian Literature

Links and instructions to carry out researches about the Italian language and literature.

Italian Literature (especially dedicated to foreigners)

paolacomelli@tiscalinet.itHave you got some questions about a literary period, or an author of the Italian literature? Do you need any help? Write to me: I'll be glad to help you, and make my degree in Italian Literature fruitful...


(c) Michael Bedard

Holidays' page: some
photos and some histories...
sign against death penalty: 
are you sure you' re better than Cain?

 80 MUZIK 80 
  the philology of Eighties...


italian version
Poetry Thovez 's poetry Prose
A bibliography for the Italian
Literature in Internet

This page is maintained byPaola Comelli /*/ Last modified on October 10th, 2002