Huenenberger's Fantasia Pages: Saddle

Fantasia and Barb Horse


The Equestrian Tradition of Northern Africa

The Fantasia Saddle

Saddles from Author's Collection
Moroccan Fantasia Saddles

The saddles used for Fantasias are real masterpieces of traditional North-African craftsmanship. All parts are covered with rich decoration, in most cases embroidery. Often these embroideries are made of metal threads. You can even find rare antique saddles with embroidery made of real gold or silver threads !

The ornaments show a great variety. In most cases, they are abstract (floral or geometrical patterns), but I have also seen some representations of horses, birds, or flowers.

On my German pages, there is a system of the decoration variations (in German language).

Moroccan Fantasia Saddle from Author's Collection
Components of Moroccan Fantasia Saddle (Imagemap)
Just click on saddle parts in the picture
to view the info pages for the individual components

(Tested only with Netscape 2.0 or MS Internet Explorer 2.0 and higher)
If it does not work with your browser, use the text links in the list below.

Saddles are similar in all Maghreb countries, but there are some regional differences. The shape does not differ very much, but there is a large scale of variations in material and decoration.

The following components are obligatory:

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