現在學佛的人很多,真正契入的不多,原因在於有障礙,就是佛法常講的「業障」。因此雖經歷長時間修學,依舊不得 其門而入。障礙是什麼?簡單的說,就是自私自利,佛法講的「我執」、「煩惱障」,這些使我們不能入境界,得不到真實 的功德利益。只要把障礙除掉,就有求必應。換言之,我們必須把觀念轉過來,從前起心動念都是為我,自私自利;從今而 後,起心動念為社會、大眾、一切眾生,念頭就轉過來。念頭一轉,業障就消除;消除業障,自然就生智慧。有智慧才能解 決一切問題,才能真正達到有求必應。
---淨空法師 ---
"Who and what am I?" "Why do I exist?" Each of us, during some part of our life, wonders about these questions. While we're aware of our own being, we don't actually know how or why we came to be. Our views of who we are and why we're here, consciously or unconsciously, affect every moment of our lives. The Buddha was both troubled and fascinated by these questions. He was troubled , in that life unexamined, unsolved seemed meaningless; he was fascinated, in that the solution to this deep riddle was accessible, whithin reach, almost beckoning.
The teaching of the Buddha, known as the Dharma, grew out of his personal discovery, his awakewning to "things as they really are". Indeed, the word Dharma literally translated is "law", meaning the universal laws that govern all of reality. These laws are external. A Buddha is merely a human being who discovers these laws of reality compassionately makes them known for others.
by Buddhist Text Translation Society
A Boddhisttva reflects to himself,
From beginningless kalpas in the past, because of greed, hatred and stupidity, in body, speech, and thought, I have created measureless, limitless bad karma. If this bad karma had a substance and appearance, exhausting the reaches of space it could not be contained within. I now completely purify my three karmas, and sincerely repent of all this before all the Buddhas and assemblies of Boddhisattvas throughtout the Dharma Realm in world systems as numerous as the particles of dust in a world. I will never do any of it again, rather I will always abide in the merit and virtue of the pure moral precepts.
十二因緣 ( 淨空法師主講 )
認識佛教 ( 淨空法師主講 )
淨業三福講記( 淨空法師講述 )
談因果 ( 淨空法師講述 )
三皈傳授 ( 淨空法師主講 )
皈依三寶的意義 ( 聖嚴法師著 )
怎樣修持解脫道 ( 聖嚴法師著 )
您是佛教徒嗎 ( 聖嚴法師著 )
怎樣做一個居士 ( 聖嚴法師著 )
十大願王淺說 ( 聖一法師主講 )
如何進入佛法 ( 星雲大師講演)
切莫誤解佛教 ( 印順法師主講 )
佛法的基本與要徑 ( 黃念祖居士主講 )
谷響集 ( 黃念祖敬答客問 )
洗濯垢汙顯明清白 ( 黃念祖老居士主講 )
看淡世俗的纏縛—出污泥而不染 ( 黃念祖老居士著 )
訪美雜談 ( 黃念祖老居士主講 )
檟隅毞桉籵眳妗桄 ( 瑛瑛居士 )
重寫戒淫證輯( 夢醒居士編著 )
English Selections
The Teachings of The Venerable Master Hsuan Hua
Buddhism's View on The Wheel of Rebirth ( Ven Master Hsing Yun )
Buddhism's View on Deeds and Behaviors ( Ven Master Hsing Yun )
The Buddhist Perspective on Cause and Condition ( Ven Master Hsing Yun )
The Buddhist Perspective on Time and Space ( Ven Master Hsing Yun )
Our Real Home ( Ven Ajann Chah )
Still, Flowing Water (Ven Ajahn Chah )
Living In The World With Dhamma ( Ven Ajahn Chah )
Making The Heart Good ( Ven Ajahn Chah )
The Four Noble Truths ( Ven Ajahn Chah )
The Four Noble Truths ( Ven Ajahn Sumedho )
Now Is the Knowing ( Ven Ajahn Sumedho )