Dharma wealth is lost; merit and virtue destroyed,
Due to Nothing else than the conscious mind.
Through the door of Chan the mind comes to rest,
And one suddenly enters the powerful, unborn knowledge and wisdom.
A verse from the Song of Enlightenment by the Great Master Yung Chia
" I have the Treasury of the Proper Dharma Eye, the wondrous mind of Nirvana, the Reality beyond appearances, a suble and wondrous Dharma-door, which is not based on the written or spoken word. It is a special transmission outside the teachings. I enthrust this to Mahakasyapa. "
Shakyamuni Buddha
參禪的目的,在明心見性;就是要去掉自心的污染,實見自性的面目。污染就是妄想執著,自性就是如來智慧德相。如 來智慧德相,為諸佛眾生所同具,無二無別,若離了妄想執著,就證得自己的如來智慧德相,就是佛,否則就是眾生。只為 你我從無量劫來,迷淪生死,染汙久了,不能當下頓脫妄想,實見本性,所以要參禪。
參禪的先決條件 ( 虛雲和尚講述 )
上海玉佛寺禪七開示 ( 虛雲老和尚講述 )
聖一法師禪七開示 ( 聖一法師講述 )
坐禪的功能( 聖嚴法師 著 )
什麼是禪( 星雲大師講演)
談禪 ( 星雲大師講演)
從六祖壇經說到禪宗教學的特質( 星雲大師講演)
禪師與禪詩( 星雲大師講演)
文人與禪 ( 星雲大師講演)
念佛是誰 ( 宣化上人開示 )