Let the day arrive and make it last
it has been foreseen way in the past
When men will share the work to be done
as they realize that within he’s come
All our cares are to be washed away
A new born race will be here to stay
Then to the right and a start anew.
What a vision! What a view!
So don’t stop striving try for gold
the reward is the comfort of the fold
Within the timescale He has metered
and He will be there to meet us
Star of hope it guides our roots
and in the spring it brings forth shoots
And blooms eventually to bear the fruit
of labours, faith and divine truth
So start the process use our free will
to each is given a special skill
To take us through the final stage
and leave behind this material maze
The sky is full of rays of light
to disable the darkness brighten the night
So keep on watching the skies wondering why
as we wait, Who is it next to arrive?