Your cup runneth over and your bowl is now full,
Your strength is now built up get ready for the pull,
Earths mind is on the right track through a spiritual lull
Having learnt from the lesson at the place of the skull
A stone for a pillow a step into the dark
First step in the light seeking the eternal spark
Seeking respect and yearn to bear His own mark
Accepted and ready in His steps we do walk
A sign for the future of a new race won
Followed ever upwards till all the work is done
Finish the last count and add up the total sum
Then wait for the next task that’s set to come
Stay for the course to build up the force
And venture anew each time to gather a few
Teach to the inner and the outer won’t know
Stand for the right things go where you go
Link mind to mind and attune to the view
Meet with the Master speak with His crew
Travel together as one to the comic anew
Gather in energies to which we are due.