This archive of papers written by various members of the O. U. O. is divided into 4 sections. In "Early Works" you'll find a collection of notes and musings discussing the early concepts that turned into The Glyph.

In "Ceremony" you'll find ritual texts as they were performed upon various dates.

The section titled "Astrological References" contains natal horoscopes for most workings performed in connection with The Glyph as calculated by Astrolog v.5.2.

"Notes and Essays" forms the catch-all category wherein is stored remarks upon experimentation and theory.

"Photo Archive" is pretty much just as it sounds.

Early Works

Draft/Notes Charging the Glyph
Guidelines for Charging the Glyph in Assiah
Guidelines for Charging the Glyph in Yetzirah


Anchoring the Rays
The Initial Chargings
The Final Charge
Saturnalia Rite
Spring Equinox Rite (Opening)
Rite for Summer's Height
Early Harvest
2 Rites for Mars, August 1
Beltane Sex Magick
The Glyph Link (construction of the magickal link).

Astrological Data

Notes and Essays

Field Notes 1
Zodiac Lecture I
Charging via the Watcher Formula
Elemental Study 1
A Tarot Proposal

Photo Archive

This page is part of The Companions of the Glyph Website.