Please note~ Style Sheets can replace some of these codes particularly font size, face and color and headline size, face and color. Watch for style sheet information in the near future. But for a brief look at a style tag look at this page.
<HTML>Beginning and End of HTML Document Tags
Include everything between these tags</HTML>
<HEAD>Beginning and End of Head of Document
Include Title and Meta Tags between these tags</HEAD>
<BODY>Beginning and End of Body of Document
Include all headlines, text and images between
these tags</BODY>
***To see the arrangement of the above tags and how to set the
document colors in the BODY tag see the template.
Line Break,<BR>
to go down to the next line
<HR>Horizontal Rule
<FONT size="-2">Small Font</FONT>
<FONT size="+4">Big Font</FONT>
<FONT size="+1">or Something in Between</FONT>
<FONT color="red">Red Print</FONT>
<FONT color="purple">or Purple</FONT>
<FONT face="times new roman">Change Font but</FONT>
<FONT face="Arial">don't use an obscure font</FONT>
<FONT face="Signature">that nobody has loaded on
their computer system.</FONT>
<FONT face="Formal,Chaucer,Signature">If you do this, the browser will
show the first preferred font that is available before
the defaulted font.</FONT>
Not too much blinky, blinky though,
unless you want to really annoy your visitors!
<A href="">Link to somebody else's site</A>
<A href="this_is_an_example.html">Inside Site Link</A>
<A href="codes.html#Name">Linking to a specific point within
your own site</A>
Set the <A name="Name">Name</A>
<A href="codes.html#Name">Go There </A>
<A href="mailto:you@your.address">E-mail Link</A>
Sometimes you need a <BLOCKQUOTE>