1. Conflict and Courage, by Ellen G. White,
page 67, paragraph 2 Chapter Title: A Life and Death Matter. Return
2. Education, by Ellen G. White, page 184,
paragraph 2 Chapter Title: History and Prophecy. Return
3. The Faith I Live By, by Ellen G. White,
page 116, paragraph 7 Chapter Title: Gods Remedy For Sin.
4. Gods Amazing Grace, by Ellen G.
White, page 238, paragraph 4 Chapter Title: A Life-giving Atmosphere.
5. Mind, Character, and Personality Volume
1, by Ellen G. White, page 67, paragraph 3 Chapter Title: Religion
and the Mind. Return
6. Mind, Character, and Personality Volume
1, by Ellen G. White, page 93, paragraph 4 Chapter Title: Bible
Study and the Mind. Return
7. Testimonies for the Church, volume 8,
by Ellen G. White, page 60. Return
8. Mind, Character, and Personality Volume
2, by Ellen G. White, page 549, paragraph 4 Chapter Title: Character
Formation. Return
9. That
I May Know Him, by Ellen G. White, page 94, paragraph 2 Chapter Title:
Molded After His Character. Return
10. The
Ellen G. White 1888 Materials, by Ellen G. White, page 925, paragraph
4 Chapter Title: Vision at Salamanca. Return
11. The
Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen G. White, page 545, paragraph
2 Chapter Title: John the Beloved. Return
The Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen G. White, page 558, paragraph
1 Chapter Title: Transformed by Grace. Return
13. The
Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen G. White, page 559, paragraph
1 Chapter Title: Transformed by Grace. Return
14. The
Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen G. White, page 560, paragraph
1 Chapter Title: Transformed by Grace. Return
15. The
Acts of the Apostles, by Ellen G. White, page 564, paragraph
1 Chapter Title: Transformed by Grace. Return
16. The Adventist Home, by Ellen G. White,
page 319, paragraph 2 Chapter Title: A United Front. Return
17. Christs
Object Lessons, by Ellen G. White, page 408, paragraph 3 Chapter
Title: To Meet the Bridegroom. Return
18. Conflict and Courage, by Ellen G. White,
page 289, paragraph 3 Chapter Title: None were Perfect. Return
19. Conflict and Courage, by Ellen G. White,
page 305, paragraph 2 Chapter Title: A Gift of Love. Return
20. Counsels on Sabbath School Work, by
Ellen G. White, page 81, paragraph 1 Chapter Title: A Soul-winning
Agency. Return
21. The
Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, page 294, paragraph 4 Chapter
Title: He Ordained Twelve. Return
22. The
Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, page 517, paragraph 6 Chapter
Title: Blessing the Children. Return
23. The
Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, page 661, paragraph 3 Chapter
Title: In Remembrance of Me. Return
24. The
Desire of Ages, by Ellen G. White, page 816, paragraph 3 Chapter
Title: By the Sea Once More. Return
25. The Faith I Live By, by Ellen G. White,
page 16, paragraph 5 Chapter Title: The Word and Works of God.
26. The Faith I Live By, by Ellen G. White,
page 55, paragraph 5 Chapter Title: The Three Dignitaries of Heaven.
27. Gods Amazing Grace, by Ellen G.
White, page 229, paragraph 7 Chapter Title: Reveals Gods
Character. Return
28. Gods Amazing Grace, by Ellen G.
White, page 263, paragraph 3 Chapter Title: Produces Loving, Lovable
Christians. Return
29. Gods Amazing Grace, by Ellen G.
White, page 293, paragraph 4 Chapter Title: Abiding in Christ. Return
30. Gods Amazing Grace, by Ellen G.
White, page 302, paragraph 5 Chapter Title: When We Fail. Return
31. Last Day Events, by Ellen G. White,
page 183, paragraph 2 Chapter Title: The Latter Rain. Return
On A Hill Far Away (also known as the Old
Rugged Cross) Lyrics and Music by George Bennard, 1913 Copyright
1913 by George Bennard, Homer A. Rodeheaver, owner. Return
32. Lift Him Up, page by Ellen G. White,
251, paragraph 4 Chapter Title: Lift Him Up as the Crucified One.