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Trash and Recyclables Collection Information

Christmas trees

Natural Christmas trees will be collected on Wednesday, January 7th, 2009 and Wednesday, January 14th, 2009. Please remove all tinsel and ornaments must be removed from the trees.

Trash and Recyclable Info

Our trash and recyclables are collected by American Disposal Services. This service is paid by the Association from your quarterly dues payments; there is no separate charge for trash collection. Trash is collected every Tuesday and Friday morning. Recyclables are collected every Friday morning. Materials for collection must brought to a curb which is accessible from the street (i.e., not behind a parked car).

All trash bags must be put in a trash can to keep animals from getting into the bags overnight and to protect refuse workers. Please do not put trash cans or recyclables on the curb any earlier than 7:00 P.M. the day before collection. All trash cans and recycling bins must be retrieved from the curb within 24 hours of the trash being collected. Trash cans and recycling bins must be stored on your property, out of view from the street.

Recyclable material must be placed in a recycling bin. If you do not have a bin, please call American Disposal at 703-368-0500 to request a replacement. The following recyclable material is accepted: newspapers, magazines and glossy paper, #1 and #2 plastic, glass, metal food cans, brush and yard debris, and aluminum cans. Cardboard is not accepted at curbside, but you can take that to any of several drop-off sites run by the county. Fairfax County also has additional details regarding recycling.

Hazardous waste, including paint, is not accepted at curbside and must not be placed in the trash. Paint can spill from trash trucks onto the parking lot and significantly affect the appearance of our neighborhood, so please don't put paint cans in the trash. Paint and other hazardous materials can be disposed of through the Fairfax County Household Hazardous Waste program, which can be reached at 703-631-1179.

Pickup of all ferrous metal appliances ("white goods", such as stoves, washers, dryers, and hot water tanks) will be done on Thursdays, but the pickup must be scheduled at least 24 hours in advance by calling American Disposal at 703-368-0500. Refrigerators, freezers, air conditioning units, etc. must have refrigerants removed and tagged by a certified technician prior to pickup. There will be an additional charge for all ferrous metal appliances, which the resident must pay directly to American Disposal. These appliances are taken to a separate facility for environmentally-friendly recycling.

Non-metallic bulk household items, such as furniture, mattresses, etc. (within reason) will be collected at no additional charge on Fridays.

There is no trash or recycling service on Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's Day. Pickup will resume with the next scheduled service day (there is no makeup service).

Specific questions about trash and recycling should be directed to American Disposal at 703-368-0500. If you have questions or complaints about the the trash or recycling service in the neighborhood please contact a member of the Board of Directors.

Other Links

White BallWhat's up in Reston
White BallLinks to gardening and nature sites

For further information or assistance, please contact an officer or member of the board of directors. This web site is maintained by James Juran (jamesjuran@alumni.psu.edu). Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the web site.