If you a selling your home, the Virginia Property Owner's Association Act requires you to provide the purchaser of the home with a resale disclosure packet from the BWCA and from Reston Association. Each of these packets can take up to 14 days to prepare, so it is best to order them when you first decide to sell your house. If you do not do this, the purchaser can cancel the contract and receive his or her deposit back. There is a fee required to obtain each of these packets.
The BWCA disclosure packet will contain the following items. Some of these documents are available here on our web site. The required disclosure information includes a report of any amounts owed to the association, so it must be ordered and prepared for each homeowner.
Ordering the Reston Association and BWCA disclosure packets can be done online at the following web sites:
For further information or assistance, please contact an officer or member of the board of directors. This web site is maintained by James Juran (jamesjuran@alumni.psu.edu). Please let me know if you have any comments or suggestions regarding the web site.