Awards this site has won.

Thankyou for this award.  Please click on the award  to go to Jonathan's inspiring site.

Beth gave me two awards ! Thanks Beth :-)

 Congrats you have won our award,
  Your site is truely wonderful. I would be honored to give you our award.
    Hugs kimmi
We are proud to display this award
please visit the Women and Children First site by clicking on the angel

Thanks to the : Fort Huachuca Army Community Service Web Site Review team who said:
"We are proud to award you with the Army Community Service Award of Excellence for your outstanding site"...  We are proud to receive and display this award
I enjoyed surfing your site, and I am sure everybody else will too.

I think your web site is a wonderful help to grieving parents and I
  commend you highly. Please accept this award on behalf of   Our little Tamar.
Thanks, please visit Little Tamar's page by clicking on her award.

I would be honored if you would accept the following award for your site.
The Caring and Sharing that you are showing deserves much more.
Thankyou Joy

 "I was very touched reading the names
and viewing the photos of all the little sleeping angels."
Thankyou Loris

 "You have shown excellence in design and content and
this award is a little "Thank You" to you."
Thank-you Lorrie


Keep up  the Great Work!
  Angel & Fire
Thanks we will!!

  This award is given from the heart because you have given from your heart..
Thankyou Darlene

I've just visited your site and must say that it truly
    touched my heart.  I would like to bestow upon you
  the "You Deserve An Award" award.  Your site is
   truly deserving of this award.
Thankyou Athena